Chapter 28

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Luis and I strolled down the sidewalk of the square area closer to the city. Loud music played from close by bars and people were everywhere. Cars and traffic zoomed past us on the road going in either opposite direction. We were talking about skating and he was teasing me about how I turned on roller skates.

"Look, all I'm saying is you don't have to make yourself so stiff when you turn a bend or corner", he said as we walked, "there's many ways you can turn, but you just straighten your legs as you go around. You be lookin all weird and shit."

"Cuz I'm not trying to fall and break my neck", I said with a small laugh, "I don't care if you can turn other ways or not. My ass ain't going to no hospital on crutches or a cast."

"If you lean your body some more, you won't have to", he laughed back, "it's not that hard. The more you lean, the easier it gets."

"I should be saying some shit about your stopping for a little comeback, but I'll hush up and let you think you know everything."

"I'm not trying to be no mr. know it all or nothing. Just lending you some tips."

"Well, one tip is harassing me saying that I look like a stick figure when I turn like that. THAT'S making fun of me." I continued laughing.

"It look like it, though", said Luis honestly, "you're body be so tense. Like, my hand is on you the whole time, so you don't have to go into all 'safety mode'."

"And YOU don't have to pretend that your brakes failed when you're about to hit the wall", I shot back.

He looked at me with wide eyes and a parted mouth, becoming speechless.

I gave him a sly smirk, "uh-huh. You shutting up now, aren't you?"

His speechless expression then caused me to crack up laughing and I tap his shoulder with a light punch, "I'm just messing with you, you dork."

He then laughed and wrapped his arm around me, "You're a trip, you know that?"

"Born one, is one, and will forever stay one", I replied in an informative tone.

As we walked down more, we admired the scenery. The sun shone through the leaves of the trees that rested on the road's islands as it's branches hung over the road. It brightened up the blvd. and the buildings around. I took it in with great awe and breathed in and out.

"I don't know why, but I just love public places like this", I said, "I like the lively atmosphere."

Luis just shrugged his shoulders, "It's fine. I'm just going where you wanna go. I like places like this, too."

I look to him and made a face of a held in chuckle, "Copier", I remarked kiddingly.

"What? I do", he protested, "we have some places like this in Florida and I used to walk with my parents as a kid.

"We gotta visit Miami and walk along it's beach sometime", I suggested, "I like beaches, too. The little waves they make tickle my feet. The sand below your feet is a good pedicure, too. It can help smoothen your skin."

"For sure we will", he said assuringly, "we might do it this summer. I'm going back to Miami at some point to see family. You gotta ask your parents if you can travel back with me, though."

"I will. Most likely they'll let me. They want me to travel and see more things, anyway."

"Miami has a whole lot more to offer, though. Just think of all the places I could show you. Shame you couldn't come with me last year, but we hadn't been together long."

I glanced down at the sidewalk. Something then crossed in my mind. That's when it hit me and I jumped up, "Luis! We almost forgot! Our 2 year anniversary is on the 17th. What do you want to do that day?"

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