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I have to say my predictions were right. My first week of college was pretty good and easygoing. I only had two classes that week. Other days I worked at the coffee shop. There was no trouble involving other people and I managed to make some new friends. We would hang out on free days whenever Luis was at school and couldn't be with me. On lunch break, we would sit and discuss about how classes were going and would help each other on homework. Hardly any other girls had beef with me, so I was able to continue on with my projects and tasks. I say hardly because some classmates could be uncomfortable to be around, but I stuck to my deal and paid them no attention and not let them slip in my red zone. I didn't see any girls that I recognized from Eden. I suggested they went to others schools somewhere. Thank god if they did. With work, there was more stress than anger, but there were teachers and professors to point out stuff to me when I didn't understand it. As I said, my friends and I would come to one another's aid with any big things we needed to work on. With me being around unfamiliar girls, I had no fights or arguments. My friends also vowed that if anything was to happen, they had my back, which I was very grateful for. College was really going great so far. I felt like a whole new person than I did back at Eden Hall.

As for Luis, he had made some progress, too. Back at Eden Hall, he was now a senior and still hung around with the other ducks. They still had their games and I was there to cheer on them if I didn't have any night classes. He had gotten rid of his goofiness in class and no longer did unintentional mistakes like skip class for other disturbances or play pranks in the lunchroom. He reported that Jared had done went back to his old ways and then one day, did something very bad and ended up getting expelled. Luis was glad he didn't follow with him or otherwise, he could've followed the same path, but I'm so glad he didn't. He had classes with some of his teammates who would watch him if he ever did anything, but they didn't have to for long for Luis stayed focused on the task at hand. All of this made his grades stay up in A's and B's. Nearly straight A's. He never made his coach disappointed in him again and stayed well on the hockey team and attended all of his practices. He hung out with more mature jocks and though he still reminds himself that he is taken, he's still a flirt with his girl classmates. In a friendly way, though of course. If they ever tried to get their hands on him seeing how I was no longer there, he would just back away and say a simple "sorry, but I have a girl" and walk off. They would get hurt at first, but then go after other dudes. Detention was a distant thing from him now. He didn't want to risk it for the sake of being at practice on regular time. All of his consequences no longer happened to him and he was good and behaving from now on. Maturity sure did whoop his ass in shape. Ha ha.

Weekends and days and nights out stayed the same. Nothing became different and/or new to our lifestyle out of school. We were happy for one another from moving on from the once many predicaments and muddles we often fell into at Eden Hall Academy, ESPECIALLY during that one semester. As we got older, it never left our memory. The more we looked back on it, the more we saw how we learned from it and got better and stronger people from it. It WAS burdensome, but NOW part of olden days. Together, we could confirm that we were indeed, at that time, Predicamental Upperclassmen.

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