Chapter 19

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That Saturday evening, Luis and I decided to go an open 24 hr breakfast restaurant for dinner that night. I thought it was weird considering we were having breakfast food for supper, but then again, the idea of unusual meals was always fun at the same time. We take our seats at a booth and order our meals. As we waited, we sparked a conversation.

"Does your head still hurt from last night?", I asked.

He rubbed it gently, "Nah, the pain has pretty much gone away at this point. That's what the hockey gear is for, anyway."

"Some hockey gear can't protect everything, though", I piped up, "besides, I'm afraid that yours will get weak after all of them bashings."

He then smirked before letting out a slight giggle.

"What?", I said with confusion.

"I was laughing at how you said 'get weak after all of them bashings'. Get the joke?"

"I-", before I could let out another word, I facepalmed and Luis laughed even more.

"I can NEVER talk about anything with your nasty ass", I said with a chuckle, "your mind STAY in that goddamn gutter."

He let out a few more chortles before talking again, "but anyway, you clearly forget how strong hockey gear actually is. I get some new gear every little while when my old ones gets worn. So, it all be cool."

"That was another good game y'all played. I'm still laughing about how the other team just had one score. They were getting trampled."

"Again, nothing new, Kallie."

"I was just pointing it out. I knew y'all were going to win anyway."

It grew silent, but only for a minute. The smell of our cooking food wafted in the air and it made my stomach growl. We were not the only ones there for there were four other people here in booths on the far side near the windows. Since no one was near where we were, we had our own personal space.

That's when I glanced over at a post board on the wall near us. It had different things like schedules and flyers all over it. One flyer had talk about a fair that was coming in about a week. It would be open Friday to Sunday. Luis saw it too and then smiled back at me.

"You wanna go?"

"Yeah, that sounds like fun. We can walk around while munching on cotton candy or something. I'll try not to get on too many rides, but the Ferris wheel, definitely."

"Of course I'm taking you on there", he chuckled, "we can sneak kisses at the top when no one's looking."

"Yeah, but that's it. I know how slick you can be", I said winking at him.

"I won't be that lustful", he replied.

"Oh, for real?", I said, looking at him with sweet eyes, "don't act like you innocent, now, boy."

"All I be wanting is to love on my girl for a bit. Also, it can get more cozy if it ever stops while we're at the top, you know?", he asks while leaning in a little.

"Shut up", I say with a small titter.

I then lean over the table with him as our faces got closer. But just before our lips could connect, out waiter came with our meals. We then quickly back away from each other so that she could set down the plates.

"Alright here's your-" she stopped as soon as she saw Luis and I sit back down. She put on a look of surprise, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your little moment. Y'all go ahead."

I shook my head and waved reassuringly at her, "no, it's okay. We'll do it later. Plus, I'm more hungry than anything else, right now."

The waiter laughed, "okay, well, here y'all go." She set down the plates all filled with hot, steaming fresh food. I stare down hungrily at my food before digging in almost instantly. Luis did the same.

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