Chapter 30

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In the next week, all of the seniors received their caps and gowns for the upcoming graduation ceremony. The principals and staff handed them out in the gym. As I waited in line, I looked at them inside the boxes. They were white with red lining. On the tassels of the caps was a bolder EH for Eden Hall. When I stood in front of Mr. Tucker, he handed me mine. Just before I could walk off, he stopped me.

"You know Kallie, I was not too pleased earlier this year with your behavior, but I'm proud of you for cleaning up your act and participating more in finishing up your duties. I counted on you to make that happen, and I am very pleased you made your last year here at Eden Hall though while a bumpy ride, a smooth one to victory."

I gave him a small smile, "Thanks, Mr. Tucker."

He patted my shoulder, "good luck out there."

"I will", I nodded and with that, I turned to head back to class.


At home, I looked at myself in the mirror as the gown flowed over my body. The cap on my head looked perfect, too.

"Looks good on you", complimented grandpa. He gave a lighthearted chuckle.

"Thanks. I'm just glad me wearing it is letting me know this is all over", I said laughing back. After making a few more adjustments to it, I went to go take it off.

"When do you walk again?", asked my grandma standing in my doorway.

"On the 23rd", I replied. I was walking around cleaning up some junk in my room.

"Oh, okay. You got your cap and gown?"

"Yes. Just got them recently."

"You gon be looking so pretty walking down that isle. Nana might not can come, okay? My legs and back still hurting me."

"Mom told me you couldn't, but they're gonna broadcast it live on their website on the internet. You can just watch it from there."

She stood in confusion, "how do you get to the website?"

"She'll pull it up for you. I got my computer that you can watch it on."

"Oh, okay. Promise nana one thing."

"What's that?"

"Promise me that you won't get in no more trouble in college, okay? Or else they would kick you out for being bad. Just don't get mad at nothing, okay? Pay no attention to people if they be mean to you and just do your work."

"I promise, gram", I smiled, "My counselor has pretty much got me settled at this point. I also told her that I would be straight."

"Alright. Yeah, be a good girl. Well, I'm finna lay down. You need anything?"

"No, I'm okay. Go get some rest."

She left and I continued to straighten up my room. I was surprised at how messy it had gotten the past 3 months. I guess school kept my head in occupation, so it never crossed my mind to do house chores. At least it was less junkier than my mom's room, though. Whenever she cleaned up, it would take her days just to gather up any missing shoes or items she found laying around. The last thing I wanted was my room looking like hers.

I then suddenly heard a knock on my door, but my back was facing towards it, so I didn't see who it was.

"Gram, I don't need anything. I'm good. Go take your nap."

"Alright, sweetie", said a mimicking high pitched voice.

I whip around to see Luis leaning against the door frame, and I bust out laughing. He did the same.

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