Chapter 25

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The next school week was when I started to see some changes after taking more proper care of my inner stress and emotions. In the morning, after Luis and I had our little meet-up at my locker, some girls nearby glanced at me nastily once Luis and I parted. I was about to look at them back, but I instead turned my attention back to the way to my English class. This was the time I started to focus more on me and me only.T

Towards the middle of the week, we received our tests from last Friday. On my math one, I saw that I got a C. I then briefly smiled to myself. It could be better. All I needed was some extra help. When everyone had left the classroom for third period, I went to my teacher's desk. I asked him if I could request to stay after school for some extra help and he said it was a good idea.


That Friday, we were over at Luis' house. I missed going over there since I was forbidden to do so for two weeks. We had music playing on his phone and were having fun dancing in the living room. His aunt hadn't gotten off of work yet. He kept getting dance moves wrong and I had to teach him how to do them all over again.

"No, Luis. You shake your body like this", I explained for the upteenth time as I demonstrated. He just looked at me puzzled out of his mind.

"My way looks to be more correct, though", he protested. He waved his torso like how he did before which caused me to bend over laughing.

"You are gonna end up doing all of this in front of someone who actually KNOWS the dance and they gonna be looking at you like a fucking nut", I said between laughs.

"So you're saying I suck at this?"

"No, you- you can actually do this dance, but you just refusing to listen to me right now."

He continued to goof off and did some unexplainable moves which made me laugh even more.

"I can't with you, Mendoza", I giggled.

I then gave up trying to teach him and flipped to another song. "Only" by Nicki Minaj featuring Drake then came on. I sung along to the lyrics, swinging my body to the beat.

"That song is so overrated. But then again, it's so good", said Luis, nodding his head to the rhythm.

"Yeah. I listen to it all the time", I added, "You know, if I go through something other than MCR."

"Oh? I thought you said 'you'd rather stick to your MCR babies thank you'", he asked with a smirk covering a snicker.

I gave him a half suppressed laugh, "They ARE my babies, but I'm just saying I have other music choices, too. I don't abandon other artists or music stars."

"I haven't heard you listen to Panic! At The Disco or Evanescence in while."

"I like their music, but it's not really that taste I'm into. I'm into genre of music that's more metal or more punk. Black Veil Brides and My Chemical Romance have more of that type of vibe. Fall Out Boy I still listen to, too though."

"Of course I know you still listen to them", he said, "every time I mention the word 'sugar', you always start singing that 'sugar, we're goin down' song."

"All FOB fans do it", I shrugged at him, "Besides, that's when you know you're a true emo if you do that to songs from bands. It's like if someone was to ask you if you're okay, and even though you answer them yes or no, in your head, MCR's 'I'm Not Okay' starts playing."

"Well, have you been okay, lately?"

"Yes, definitely. That counseling thing is starting to help out a lot. Let me tell you, I needed that."

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