Chapter 16

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Early that Friday morning, I wanted to meet Luis at my lockers, but he wasn't in the hallway. I was wanting to believe he was running late until I remembered that the ISS room was in another part of the campus, so I just went on to English. I still hoped he wouldn't do anything else tricky or troublesome. I take books and put other books into my locker and rush off.

"A D. Great." I stare down at the test that my math teacher hands back to us one by one. Only 10 questions I got right out of all 30. The main thing was probably because the ones I missed had problems that didn't look nothing that I could remember being on other worksheets. The D was not surprising in the slightest to see though considering I sucked donkey nuts at Math.

After school, I left for home to get ready for the game. I did nothing but style my hair more and refreshened my black eyeliner. I head to the arena even though a lot of people hadn't started arriving yet. I wanted to see Luis early. He and the ducks were skating out on the ice warming up. I stop by the entrance into the rink and wait for him. He spotted me and skated over.

"Good luck tonight, baby", I smiled.

"I will. You're gonna cheer for me, right?"

I scoffed and looked at him like he was dumb, "Da fuck? Yes. That question wasn't even needed."

"I was just checking. I know how you can forget at times."

My mouth hung and my face stilled, "Dude, my throat is very close to having laryngitis from me shouting your name throughout everything. Are you fucki-"

"Whoa, I'm just kidding", he laughed putting his hands up. Before he could speak again, his coach called him back over.

"Well, good luck. Love you", I said kissing his cheek.

He skated backwards blowing me a kiss and then turned around.

I take my seat up on the bleachers and after more and more people arrived, the game began.

The opposing team were close to beating the ducks at first, but around the ending of the second period onwards, the ducks took the score little by little. As I predicted, Luis scored but chucked into the walls. I cheered extra loud for him to show he could hear, but I did it when the crowd had piped down and I ended up turning red with embarrassment when people nearby looked at me like I had two heads. By the end of the game, the ducks won with a score of 9 to 3.


After the game, we spent the night at Luis' house. We had put on our nightclothes and relaxed in his room. His head was back against his headboard on the bed and I was sitting on his lap. He would wiggle his fingers on my stomach to earn a laugh out of me.

"If you don't quit,-" I said, trying to pull his hands off of me, "I'm tired of you picking on my ticklish spots."

"Quit saying that I got a big head, then I will", he chuckled.

"What? You do got a big he-" before I could finish, he tickled me again causing me to laugh.

"Say something else. I dare you."

"No, I'm done roasting you if you're gonna be like that", I said leaning back on him. He wasn't bothered by cute insults I threw at him. I was only teasing after all and didn't really mean any of them in the slightest.

He kissed the back of my shoulder as my torso pushed back on him. His arms wrapped around more on my stomach and our legs intertwined together. We were currently looking at the movie "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts on his TV.

"My mom said this was a sad movie", I said quietly, "she said she cried at the end."

"I haven't seen this movie before", said Luis, "I don't watch these type of movies."

"Me neither. I'm into indie films or R rated films, but why am I telling you? You already know that."

"You like those 'R rated' films that be having like 100 sex scenes in them", he said before snickering, "still don't know what you like about them."

"They be hot. I told you", I said reminding him, "there's nothing wrong with seeing sex on TV, Luis."

"But it's like an alternate version of porn though", he briefly laughed.

"So? You know what sex is. You be wanting to have it with me every few nights or so when I keep repeating to you I ain't trying to be no teen momma."

"As long as I wear a condom, we good though," he said in my back. I could feel his shoulders twitching from cracking up a little.

"I know you're joking", I chuckled, "your ass know damn well we ain't using no condom. Them things break, get stuck in a woman, and everything. Seriously though, we're not fucking PERIOD. I'm trying to deal with school first."

"How about when we get older? If we're still together by then."

"What do you mean? Of fucking course we'll still be a couple. We've already been with each other a year. What makes you think we'll split up?"

"Life", he said, "life could tear us apart. We would move on to bigger and better things and forget about each other."

"Are you for real right now? And I thought I was the one with anxiety trouble...."

"I'm just saying, I still want us to be together after school. We could run off and get married, have kids, and have a happy life together."

I rotate myself and sit below his stomach so that I'm facing him, "we will. And if something comes up between us, we'll always remember each other, right?"

"...right. I'll always love you and remember you as my first real girlfriend." He smiled up at me, his hazel eyes gazing into my brown ones.

"And I you as my handsome fiancé."

My hand runs over his jet black hair before sliding down the side, skimming over his sideburn and then going over his silver earring on his left ear. My palm opened up and I held his cheek. I bend forward and kiss him gently. Our lips brush on each other and out mouths part.

The kiss got deeper and our tongues met. He began to suck on mine making a light moan come from me. His lips tightened around it and he brought it into his mouth. He released it after sucking on it a few times and our kiss went back to normal. One more peck before we pulled away, catching our breath.

That's when I felt his hands tighten on my hips. I looked down a realized I was sitting on a certain something of his. I rock my hips to get a reaction out of him. He tilted his head back and started exhaling deeply. He moved with my hips.

I then stop because I didn't want us to slip up and go further. I bend over to kiss him once again.

"There. I gave you a quick dry fuck. Is that better?", I whispered.

"Wasn't expecting that, but it felt good. So, yeah."

I snicker softly while playfully rolling my eyes as I spun back around so that we could finish the movie. Around the time the credits started to roll, we crawl under the sheets together and go to sleep.

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