Chapter 17

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Everything from that point in time with Megan and I still sitting on the floor her sobbing into my arms, Casey yelling a stream of cuss words smashing his fist into the walls, with the boys for a loss of words, and Casey's dad.

He grabbed the hand of his now dead wife and kissed her hand, sobbing quietly. Murmuring soft words to her, we were all in awe until he grabbed the gun off of the floor pointing it to his head.

Tom screamed at him to drop it while running to him, but it was to late. Now the Johnson siblings have lost both of their parents, the ones that raised them, the ones that kissed them when they were hurt and told them that everything was going to be alright, the ones that are now lying dead on the ground.

Reece came over and picked up his once happy girlfriend, but once they both died you could tell that she was shattered. I looked around the room to not see Casey anywhere in my sight, then I saw the front door wide open.

When everyone came back in they shut the door didn't they? I jumped and ran to the door, one of the black Range Rover was gone, and I know who was in it.


Casey's POV

My fists gripped onto the steering wheel making my knuckles turn white, but I don't care all I need right now is something to take all of my troubles away. I knew exactly where I needed to go, to the most popular bar in London.

I quickly made a sharp U-turn and started heading the other way, going about 100 I finally reached my destination in about 5 minutes.

I pulled on my glasses and jacket slamming the door shut walking straight into the club without getting recognition from the bouncer. He immediately pulled me back trying to be intimating towards me. I slowly took the glasses off of my face and gave him the death glare.

"You shouldn't have done that." I growled at him, pulling my gun on him.

He staggered back "Oh, Mr. Johnson I didn't recognize you there." Stuttering over his words.

Slowly pulling the gun away from his chest

"Hmm...... You know what I am especially feeling generous today, I won't kill you but I will leave you with this." Quickly shooting him in the knee cap

"That should show you who really is boss around here." Leaving him in agonizing pain.

I walked over to the bar, and grabbed my usual order and hit the dance floor. I was casually dancing with some random chick when I saw her with my drunk eyes. I guess she saw me too, because she gave me a seducing smile and started to dance all over me.

She brought her lips to mine and I couldn't help myself but to kiss back, I brought my hands sliding them down her back and to the edge of her dress. Bringing my lips to her ear to nibble on I gently whispered to her and said

"Do you want to come home with me?"

Chelsea's POV

Gabriella and I both didn't want to stay alone after the incident that happened earlier this morning so we decided to stay with each other for the night. We were talking and laughing that I think we just became best friends.

"So, Gabi why exactly are you here? I mean since you aren't exactly related to any one the Johnson's."

She seemed a little thrown back from the question but answered it "Well, my parents decided to take a trip to Hawaii for Christmas vacation but decided not to take me with them."

"Oh, Im glad they didn't take you because if they did we wouldn't been able to meet and become friends." I gave her a smile.

She laughed "Yeah, sometimes I think they don't care about me. But I know deep down inside they do in some way or form." Her smiled decreased.

Just as I was about to say something the front door opened and slammed shut. Gabi looked at me confused because they would have told us if they were going to leave right?

After everything that has happened this morning, but a second later we knew someone wasn't leaving someone was coming in. There was a trail of giggles leading up to the top of the stairs. Another door opened and shut.

I got up with Gabriella leading behind me, she slowly opened the door and we looked down the now quiet hallway. We traced the sound to the end of the hallway. In which I slowly opened the door, seeing my heart shattered right in front of my eyes.

Casey sleeping with my now ex-best friend


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