Chapter 1

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Chelsea's POV:

I slammed the door to my home, dragging my feet upstairs for my face to meet the pillow on my bed. Taking a deep breath, and exhaling with a scream. Today was the worst day of my life, my boyfriend Todd broke up with me because I would't go all the way with him. What a jackass, all of those I love you's and the kisses meant nothing to him and they meant everything to me. All I need is my best friend and loads of chocolate ice cream, and it will be all better. My phone starts ringing.

"Hey, babe!! Whatcha doing?" My best friend Lauren screamed.

"Wi-ill you com-ee over and bri-ing lot-s of ic-ce cream?" Sniffling while saying the whole thing.

"Chelsea whats wrong?" Sounding concerned.

"Ill tell you when you here." Hanging up the phone.

I cried into my pillow until I heard the doorbell ring, so I stood up coming into contact with my mirror. The reflection staring back at me looked like a big piece of doo-doo. Sighing walking out of my room down the stairs opening the door to see nobody?? Someone tapped on my shoulder, I turned around screaming into that persons face. It turns out it was just Lauren.


"Yes." She replied giggling.

"How did you get in?!"

"The backdoor." Replying simply

She must have read my mind "You took to long." Shrugging pulling out the ice cream out of the shopping bag.

"Wait, I thought that it was locked..... nevermind. Oh well, thanks for the ice cream." Walking into the kitchen to get two spoons.

"Now tell me what happened."

"Ok..... Well."

I explained the story to her with many tears and a lot of shoveling my face with ice cream. I would tell you what she said but there was a lot of curse words that I shouldn't say. There was probably some that I haven't even heard before.

"You know what Chelsea you are not going to sit here and shovel ice cream in your face and shed tears over some stupid boy. So, Im taking you out tonight."

"Lauren I-"

"No, I am taking you out so go get dressed in something sexy and meet me down here. Oh, and take a shower you look terrible."

I groaned and got off the couch knowing that I won't win this battle. I picked out an outfit then walk into my bathroom, the water was really warm just the way I liked it. I did what I had to do got dressed and did my hair and makeup in the process.

I ended up looking like this: Picture is at the side

I walked downstairs to see Lauren waiting for me by the door. She was on her phone "Finally it took you lon- Chelsea you look like a babe!"

"Thanks, you look great yourself! Let's go!!"

*Arriving to the club*

Once we got there, there was this huge line that wrapped around the side of the building.

"Lauren, why don't we just go home. I don't want to wait forever in a line for just one club."

"Don't worry I know the bouncer, he'll let us in."

"Great......" Mumbling my speech.

The guy let us in with screams from the people in the line. Honestly, I don't want to be here but Ill stay for a little bit though. Lauren went instantly to the bar, and ordered a few shots. Leaving me all by myself, so I just went to go sit by myself in a booth. I was playing a game on my phone when a voice breathed into my ear.

"Hey sexy."

"Ummm.... Hi."

"Do you want to come dancing with me?"

I looked around the room to see Lauren making out with some random dude. I looked at the guy "Sure, why not."

He lead me out to the dance floor, we were dancing until I feel this lips connect to mine. It surprised me, so I slapped him across the face and took off running. " You little bitch get back here!!"

I was running until I saw an alley way, so I took off running that way only to come to a dead end. I turned around to see the guy right behind me, chuckling evilly. " You shouldn't have done that, love."

I was about to let out a scream when this guy came in front of me.

"Josh, leave her alone." The guy growled.

"Cas-ey. I didn't know you were back in town." Josh stuttered.

"Clearly I am, and if you don't leave her alone Im just going to have to beat you up on top of the money that you owe me."

"Fine, Ill leave but this isn't over between me and you babe." Stalking off down the alley way.

I exhaled all of the breath that I had in my mouth. Casey, his name Im guessing turned to look at me.

Smirking at me "Whats your name, babe"

I didn't really want to tell him my name, considering that I don't know him. "My na-mme is Charlotte."

His eyes turned a dark shade of green "Well, Charlotte I don't like it when people lie to me." Pressing his body up against mine.

"Im not lying." Getting confidence.

I felt a burning sensation in my right cheek. Tears rimmed my eyes, and I looked up into his dark-brown eyes.

"Now, tell me again what your name is." He yelled at me.

I whimpered "Chelsea."

"Well Chelsea , Ill be seeing you later." Winking at me and started to walk away.

"Oh, and if you were wondering my name is........."

"Casey Johnson"

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