Dream demons

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So I know this sounds crazy, but I have a very specific belief. I believe that when people believe in things, if enough people believe in them and they believe hard enough, whatever it is they believe in can become real in some respect. Not as if everyone suddenly started believing that it rained ice cream it would happen, more like if you give ideas power they can come alive and run off with that power and start living off the energy of everyone thinking about them. Usually, they live in the dream world, but if they become powerful enough they can cross over occasionally. Which is why I believe in cryptids and paranormal phenomena, and everything I'm about to tell you.

First off, we're all familiar with Freddy Kruger, right? Man that murders teenagers while they sleep in the Nightmare on Elm street franchise. In this world he can't kill you, but he can hurt you, like he did to my friend B. I've met him three times before. The first time it was a couple Halloween's ago and in my dream I was invited to a party but I didn't have a costume prepared. I panicked, but managed to scrounge up a suitable gender bent Kruger costume, but I couldn't really do any fancy burn makeup to really complete it. I met the actual Kruger on the way there and he started yelling about how cheap my costume was. I hastily apologized, but ran off to the party before I could talk with him further.
The second time was about the next spring where my dream mission was to save one of my friends who had been turned into a werewolf and prevent them from mauling the attendees of a typical teen house party. I managed to help my friend and get them to safety, then I tried to leave the party to try and find a place to rest. I was about to leave when from across the room I heard someone yell, "Hey Bitch!"
I turned around and saw someone in a "normal guy" costume. He was wearing a white t shirt over his sweater, a red baseball cap and a cheesy plastic mask. I was so confused I just stood and stared. Next thing I knew, Freddy ripped off the costume with all the finesse you'd expect, then tried to rush me, but at that point I was so done I just clapped my hands and forced him to stop. (I've always been a somewhat lucid dreamer, so it was easy for me). I told him he hasn't been scary since the original and he was so hurt that he ran off to the corner to sulk. In hindsight, that was hilarious.
The third time it was my birthday and my dream was I was beating up haunted dolls with a bunch of horror movie slashers, so I'd say we're cool now.

Now PENNYWISE, is a bitch. After IT 2017 came out so many people were thinking about that pennywise that he manifested in a matter of weeks. Because if that, he was pretty cocky. He didn't know about all the threats of the dream world. Other dream demons, dream walkers, even normal lucid dreamers can fight back more effectively than he expected. The first time I met dream pennywise I was dreaming that I was babysitting my nephew. He tried to lure in my nephew with the regular clown antics, but because I know who he is I made my nephew go up to my room while I confronted the sewer clown. He said some gross, misogynistic things then threatened my nephew. I tackled him to the ground and broke his nose by planting my knee directly in his face.
The very next night, he tried to attack me with by far the most disgusting nightmare I've had to date. I won't describe it here because it is far too graphic, but by the end I got ahold of a buzz saw and sawed him in half.
After that he mostly kept away from me, mostly just showing up two try and spook my and then when he would inevitably fail he'd run and hide again.
The very last time I saw him was in a dream where I was at a family reunion with my very southern family, and I was introducing them to my girlfriend. Because I am also female, they weren't stoked, to say the very least. It would've been a nightmare except for what happened next. My girlfriend and I were reading a magazine together while the rest of my family pretended we didn't exist (thank goodness) when the two of us found an article on one of our mutual friends. The picture was of them smiling happily. I read a couple paragraphs of the article then glanced up at the photo again. This time it was of my friend dead and decaying, with green moldy skin and clouded eyes. I heard pennywise laugh from behind me, in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen. I slowly stood up and my girlfriend did too. Creepily, almost robotically, my family followed suit, following my gaze and looking over at him. Pennywise suddenly realized he was in deep shit when I grabbed my girlfriend's hand and pointed at him. My entire family, most of whom are six foot or taller heavyset men, football tackled him and proceeded to beat the ever loving shot out of him. Even my 98 year old great grandmother who could've been knocked over by a strong breeze. The mere insinuation that he would hurt my friend was enough to seal his fate.
On a psychological level, that dream helped reassure me that my family would always support me, even if I am a gay witch.
Just a short while ago after my great grandmother passed away I had a dream where her seventeen year old self visited me and told me she approves of my choice of partner. It was very heartwarming.

So basically, if you're a lucid dreamer and you encounter a person or thing in your dream that you can't control, it's probably a dream demon and it's probably best to grab a weapon and beat the crap out of it. Most dream demons are actually pretty pathetic. They function purely on survival instinct, so they work hard to keep people thinking about them. They're living ideas, so they're super hard to actually kill. The best thing to do if you're not a lucid dreamer is to get some magical or spiritual protection but outside of that you're just fucked.

It's fine if you don't believe me. I really couldn't care less. Treat this as fiction if you want to.

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