Part 3 - The Quest Begins

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On the first day of the Quest, families or sponsors of the candidates gathered soon after dawn for the opening of the week-long event.

Speaking into a microphone, Queen Carlotta introduced her son to the large throng gathered in the extended gardens of the Royal Palace. As far as the eye could see, the crowds stretched out along the terraces, all the way down to the walls.

Blessings on the Quest were verbalised by three ministers, representatives of the three predominant denominations of Eltronia where religious freedom was part of the Monarchy's pledge.

Albert found it strange to hear each of these ministers praying similar prayers for the 'Prince's Choice'. It was as though they believed that God already knew who it would be. He found this both intriguing and amusing.

A blessing was given for the light breakfast that had been served in three huge marquees...

Young men from around the kingdom who also desired to find a bride were permitted to be part of this event. This was to take the focus off of the prince himself. It was known that the prince would be there, but 'incognito' to prevent unfortunate 'mobbing' being enacted. Of course, everyone knew what the prince looked like, but Albert was sure that the disguise he has rapidly changed into after intro would prevent him from being recognized as the prince. Instead of his shiny brown head of hair, he wore a blonde wig and would change this a least once a day. He had shaved off his very fashionable beard the previous evening and now removed the fake one worn for the intro. This made him appear more like twenty years old than twenty-six. Wearing colored contact lenses, made his eyes appear brown instead of the deep aqua tone that everyone knew about. He had his mother's eyes, people said.

He mused —Mother's eyes are blue and father's hazel. My eyes have a mixture of dark green and blue. I'll look reasonable as a red-head so tomorrow I'll wear a curly one like Wayne's wearing now. I can swap with him anytime. But I'll keep with the brown eyes as they seem to make me look very different and I've seen several ladies look right into my eyes before turning away. He chuckled. At least I can rule those ones out as the serious prince-hunters. How can one find love here when the only most wanted one is me? There's no love in that!

To his surprise, he found it fun to mingle and partake of the fare. Later, food and liquids would be available at many nooks and crannies around the garden. Games were prolific, several mini golf-courses, out-door bowls and croquet. Archery had been assigned to the lower walls. Nearby was a wooded area of two acres where young men could push contestants on swings fixed to the branches of tall trees. Albert could see candidates lining up to take turns on the swings. To his eyes, this was the most popular of events here.

Two hours into the garden party, he was bored and it wasn't even near lunch-time yet. The titter-tatter of some of the females had caught his ears and he lost interest in even thinking of a suitable 'bride' from these. Shadowed by Leon and Wayne who were permitted, as bachelors, to join the men of the party, the prince wished something dramatic would happen —but what could be at all 'dramatic' at such a tame garden party? A number of young men hung back from any action, seemingly as disinterested as him. But Albert knew that a number of selected palace guards were in civilian clothes, there to make sure that nothing got out of hand, that no threat was present here.

What can go wrong at this boring event? he asked himself. He wished he could linger by either Wayne or Leon but he had been warned by his mother to allow them to enjoy the day too; perhaps they would find their one true love. He smiled a cynical smile, sure that there was no such one, certainly not at this place today, and not for him.

Circumnavigating a huge tree trunk, moving away from the swings, Albert leaned back on the trunk, glad to be invisible but wishing he had brought something he could read. He closed his eyes and practised his deep breathing, meditating on quotes he had memorised. From the other side of the tree, a conversation between a mother and her two daughters drifted to his ears. Crouching down as low as possible, he moved around so one eye could catch sight of them. They stood in a tight circle so he turned his head to see from both eyes.

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