Part 10 - Elsie Maria

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Queen Charlotte felt her mind was over-crowded with the wonder, the terror, the incredibility of Elsie's story. But it was the sound of her voice, her mannerisms and self-control, attributes of her gentleness and kindness, that the queen recalled so well.

Those years back, Elsie had also used the term, 'Your Highness', often, and she recalled how Albert had reminded the young girl, teasing her, that she was 'down-grading' the queen not to give her the title, 'Your Majesty.' The queen remembered Elsie saying, 'Your Highness,' at least once today after she knelt before her.

She seemed taller and thinner, more mature, yet still child-like in many ways. That she had survived with her father under such conditions and threats seemed unbelievable and in all that trauma to be able to scheme and action plans that fooled a very powerful, evil and relentless villain. Desmond's tactics were, indeed like those of Queen Esther.

When Elsie's father appeared on the screen, greeting her and announcing himself, the queen had little doubt that this was not some kind of dramatic trickery but was real. Unlike something out of a movie, a thriller, or perhaps a horror story, this 'return to life' was reality.

"I need to speak with our queen privately, Elsie," he told his daughter after the greetings and essential affirmations that Elsie's previous claims were true and yet there was much more to divulge and discuss. "We'll need you back here later. But what should Elsie do while we talk?"

"There are refreshments in the kitchenette refrigerator and perhaps you could make me a strong coffee, Elsie," the queen said, adding, "I'm sure you remember how I like it?"

"Not too strong, no sugar but a few drops of cream."

"Right, you do remember —but, wait, but perhaps, Desmond, I should take some time to find Elsie some clothes and give her directions as to where she could spend her time. Also, I must locate Albert. I believe it to be of importance."

Desmond smiled, saying, "Yes, sure, and I need time too, about twenty minutes, or maybe thirty, to connect the main-frame computers in the northern provinces and the rest of our kingdom, with Eltron here, so when I do come to the capital, every computer, every communicator here will synchronize with Eltron. Return here in say, forty minutes and I'll be waiting. Eltron can set your alarm for you and if I take a little longer, he can reset the alarm to suit."

As if in a daze, the queen walked with Elsie back into her apartment. This day, the first day of the Quest was like no other day she had ever experienced. "I would like for you and I to go to the chapel, even for a short time." She looked Elsie over and said, "But you can't go anywhere like you are. You need proper clothes."

"Oh, this is all I had and I left the outer layers in your bathroom after I'd showered. My jodhpurs and shirt smell of the stables."

"Well, my dear, you must go and dry your hair off, it's still damp and you have goose-bumps so you must be feeling cold. The hair drier is hanging in the bathroom closet. I will find what might fit you in my wardrobe."

The queen entered her extensive walk-in wardrobe. Moving right to the back of it, she opened some double doors where there was clothing that was too tight on her, some she'd never worn and other garments only a few times. They'd been put on hold here due to the fact that from one summer through to the next, her weight could vary and two kilos, either way, made up to two sizes difference. Placing some garments on a rack in the middle of the chamber, she returned to find Elsie finishing off drying her hair.

"I've warmed up now."

"Come then; you can choose from the garments in my wardrobe. Likely they'll be a little on the large size but a ribbon or belt can be fitted to adjust at the waist if needed. You must have something to wear so Albert and you can have time together at the garden party. It won't be closing for about three more hours. You must be hungry and thirsty, so first, get something from the refrigerator in my kitchenette. And do make our coffees. I recall that you would put three lumps of sugar in yours with..." Elsie joined her words, "a third cream," and they smiled at each other.

While Elsie went to the kitchenette, the queen tried to open the compact phone. It had a thin line where the lid should separate from the base but no button to click. "So how do I open this?" she said softly. Elton's voice made her jump as he spoke from within the phone, "Squeeze in the middle of the lid-top with your thumb."

At the touch of her thumb and release of it, the lid sprung upwards. "Prince Albert," she requested. A ring-tone sounded out.

His face appeared in the base of the phone as he answered and asked, "Mother? Where are you?"

"In my apartment —but where are you, Son?"

"I'm in the library. There's a posse of security people guarding your door, the one out in the corridor. They told me no one is permitted to enter, not until you come out and give word. The strange thing is, they did not know who I am and I swear I've never seen any of them before. Can you tell me what's going on?"

"Son, you must stay there, or rather, go into the secret passage until I call you again. Is anyone with you?"

"Wayne and Jeremy."

"Have them go with you now and wait and I will..."

The line disconnected and a beeping noise ensued.

Desmond's voice sounded, "Sorry, Majesty, but the prince's internal phone information has been possessed by rogue security people in the top tower. They will have been able to hear your call. However, I'll block the rogue hack in it. I'm now fully linked with Eltron, and able to reprogram Albert's phone, changing the rogue provider to Eltron. Best I don't speak with Albert until he knows who I am. You should call him back in five minutes."

Elsie arrived from the kitchenette with a tray, "Coffees are here and I found sushi. I warmed mine, the ones with salmon. You liked the avocado and salad ones."

"Yes, of course," she said, smiling. "We'll sit at the kitchen table, shall we?"

They ate in silence, Elsie remembering the queen's rules. She finished first and blotted her mouth with a cloth serviette. "It feels so very different here... I mean from where I've been for the past years..."

Feeling that the day was running away from her, the queen ordered, "You must go and change, Elsie. I set day gowns, two dresses and a couple of nice pantsuits on the rack in the middle of the back wardrobe, and do try some of the shoes, they might fit you. You can't go barefoot, now, can you."

Elsie obeyed and returned wearing a dark green day gown. It had long lace sleeves with a high back neckline and a lower-cut front. The queen examined it with a questioning look, saying, "It might be a little, well, closed up, for today's sunshine."

"I need you to zip it up for me, Marm." Elsie turned her back and waited.

As she stood, the queen was unable to prevent a gasp. "Oh, dear girl! Whatever happened?"

"I suffered a whipping, Marm, which was relayed by video to my father. It was to force him to do Zod's bidding and from then on Papa began to pray how he could prevent it from happening again. It took me some months to recover." She waited before adding, "It still pains me sometimes and I always cover my back as anything pressing or rubbing on the scars causes nerve pain."

"We must make certain this evil Zod villain can never do that again!"

"Yes, Marm, I wasn't the first and many others have been whipped since. Father believes that just as the trap Haman set entrapped him, Zod and his followers will fall from their own evil craftiness. God will take care of us."

"So true. We must remember to keep our faith.

"I'll fetch you a chemise, Elsie. I can't zip the gown up without something between or the teeth of the zip might trouble you."

When Elsie was ready, the queen said, "That seems perfect. I will take you to my makeup annex  and you can use the combs and clips to put your hair up. With a sun-shade hat or bonnet, you won't be recognized. I'll freshen up before we return inside Eltron; yes, we'll go there first and gain your father's advice as to what we should do next and where we should go." 

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