Watching strictly

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I watched it whilst in bed snuggled up with a million pillows and blankets and some tea. I've watched it a few times before but never had the time to actually watch it properly so this time I was going to . The pros were incredible! Seriously talented ! It was the finals and I didn't actually have a clue on who I wanted to win yet so I was gonna see who dances the best then choose . Dancing rn was Danny and oti . They were v v good actually . Next was Louise and Kevin . His sister was also in the final . I felt quite bad for him since he's always in the final and never wins . I don't understand how though ! Both him and his partners are always incredible and deserve to win ever time . Kevin was actually probably my favourite pro on the show . He was just different from the other pros , something about him stood out to me . In his vts he was always funny , friendly , kind and supportive to his celeb partner and i could tell he was like that all the time to everyone , oh and not to forgot how bloomin handsome he is too . Jheeez. Everyone's always like "omg aljaž , gorka , graziano, Giovanni" but no for me it was kev. My mum was a massive fan of him as well so I guess the family were Kevin fans then .

It came to after all the couples had danced and the voting was open . There I was voting a million times for Louise and Kevin hoping it was enough to make them win and hoping that the public had done the same and voted for them . I had actually said to kev earlier that I would vote for them both . He tweeted me about one of my docs . I was actually shocked that he watched them ! Had a lil fan girl moment actually Ngl then I tweeted him back about it and als added that I would vote for both him and Louise so I had a pretty good day with that.

The show had finished and they didn't win however I was pretty ecstatic that ore and Joanne won ! His sister! So despite being upset and annoyed that Kev and Louise didn't win it was good because they won . The Clifton siblings are so supportive of each other it's adorable. I wish I could go on strictly.....

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