I. Duty

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"We survived. You and I. And those who survive have a duty. Our duty is to do our best to keep on living. Even if our lives are not perfect."

- Haruki Murakami


"Attacking Konohagakure?" Temari blasted completely astonished after hearing her father's commandment.

All three of the Kazekage's children were sitting down at one side of the round clay table. This room in which they all stood was, usually, filled by older and (by Temari's standards) idiotic men who gathered in conferences with the Kazekage. However, this time that wasn't the case. They were there alone. Three children faced their father who stood against them in his seat as the chief of Sunagakure.

The three siblings had remained silent until Rasa finished explaining his plan. Still, Temari, the eldest of them, couldn't remain unaltered by her father's drastic decision. Although the kunoichi knew she had wronged by raising up her voice to question her father's clear orders, she still couldn't help it.

"Father, attacking will bring nothing but a disgrace to our village," Temari argued as she stood up from her seat. "Konoha is a significant ally for Sunagakure. Their military force out levels those of all other nations together. Even if we achieve to damage the village the bigger loss will be for us."

"Temari stop." Kankuro softly whispered in between his teeth to try to calm down his sister.

Still, it was worthless. He knew it. Temari wouldn't cease until she was done saying all she got to say.

" Our village is struggling to even sustain itself. The last thing we need right now is an armed conflict against Konoha," she claimed each time more outraged. "Yes, we may win this first battle but in the end, we'll most likely lose the war. The Peace Treaty that we have with Konoha is too precious to just throw it away like that. We can't just stab our allies on the back and think we'll get away—"

"Enough Temari!" Rasa cut off her eldest child speech with determination. "I will not tolerate your insolence."

Temari shivered embarrassed as she backed down to sit between her brothers. She knew she went far but she also believe each word she uttered. Attacking Konoha will be a great mistake, especially in the middle of the Chunin Exams. The security would be maximised for an event of such a magnitude. The concentration of high ranked shinobis gathered together would be ridiculous. However, that was the Kazekage's plan; to attack the village during the Chunin Exams. They were only left to obey and perform the task they were given.

"You think you know what you are talking about Temari," the Kazekage spoke after a slight pause looking down to his only daughter. "However each word only highlighted the fact that you are nothing but a stupid spoiled little girl who overestimates her capacities."

Temari wasn't shocked, she knew her father. Still, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed of herself. Never in her fifteen years of life, she could look up into his father's eyes as he belittle her. The feeling of guilt was so strong that she just duck her head and accepted the punishment either she believed she deserved it or not.

After their father's words, Kankuro manages to see her sister's face before switching back his attention to Rasa. He hated it when after a disagreement one of the siblings ceased to listen to him in order to check on their counterpart. Just as Kankuro thought. Although Temari was clearly hurt she wasn't crying. She never cried.

"Konoha is the main reason why Sunagakure is deprived of the funds to support itself." Rasa continued. "Our military forces are starving because of Konoha. Their shinobis don't cease to outsource ours in missions. They are cheaper and therefore get to have the reduced market during times of peace. The situation leaves us with no other option. If we want to show the Wind Daimyo the importance to maintain Suna we have to show our military power. We have to attack Konoha. Our alliance with Otogakure will finally bring us the financial prosperity we were striving for."

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