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Hello everyone! If you make it to this point I wanted to thank you so much. I really hope  you enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I wanted to thank you all for the support that you gave to this story, reading commenting and voting for this work. Thank you very much, people like you are the ones who inspire writer to write. I know people tend to say that you shouldn't care about writing for others and that writers should write for ourselves (to which to some extent is true) its an incredible comfort to see people enjoy and follow your story. I don't only write for myself but for you. It's people like you that give me the impulse to write everyday and to make sure to keep up with my content although it might be difficult. I really can't thank you enough for being that supportive readership you had been. 💓

Having said that I wanted to announce that, yes, there will be ac sequel to this Book. They will make up a ShikaTema series that (from now on) I'll call "The Wind Changes Series". The reason that I simply don't continue the story within this same book is that I feel the story that was meant to be told, the first chapter of this relationship, can already be considered close. Ten chapters of them getting to know each other, destroying their respective misconceptions and finally learning how to work out like a team. Now it's the time for another chapter to start, hence the new book.

I am really exited to add more original content that adds to the already canon ShikaTema moments. I hopefully will try to do as with this first book and add a new perspective to the characters and their interactions. This second book will be a direct follow up of Till The Wind Changes venturing into the development of the couple from what we had already explored in this book. 

If I am fortunate enough you may choose to take another journey with me and venture into more ShikaTema, now following them through the events of Naruto Shippuden. I have lots of ideas and plans that I want to share with you all and that I am quite sure you'll enjoy. Specially because now, as former teenagers I will be able to explore their relationship in a completely different dimension. But, it's all up to you at the end: Do you wanna take this ride?

See you, When The Wind Changes.

XO - V

Second Book Now Available! Link on the comments!

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