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The wind slightly shifted direction bringing with it the dryness and warmness characteristic of the southwest.

Shikamaru Nara woke up and, after getting ready for a brand new day, proceeded to head to the village's gate. Three years ago the sudden shift in the wind would have had him dismayed. But that wasn't the case now. He just learned to get carried by it, like the cloud. After all, he was just like a leaf gently lifted up by the wind. He trusted in the way the wind flowed and where it would take him to.

It was early in the morning, the village was still asleep. He yawns. In another circumstance, he would have deemed that situation as an absolute drag. Being up so early for work wasn't something he was particularly fond of. But this time is different. The wind had changed and so did him.

Three days. That's the time it took Suna Shinobi to arrive in Konoha. They were only three days away. Still while travelling through the desert and into the Land of Fire's forests those three days could seem an eternity for even the most skilled ninja.

Some people say that for adventurers the destination shouldn't be the focus of their journey. Still, Temari disagreed. Sometimes the destination was what made all the travel worth it.

What made it worth the trouble.

Hence, those three days weren't much of eternity. Those days of jogging through the woods and fighting against the roughest sand storms didn't seem that troublesome.

Cause after all that, at the end of the road, on the far end...

"Time no see, troublesome woman."

You'll be there waiting for me.

"Certainly, crybaby."

No matter if the wind changes.

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