III. Mamihlapinatapei

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"One clear moment, one of trance, one missed step, one perfect dance, one missed shot, one and only chance. Life is all...but one fleeting glance."

- Sanober Khan


"I withdraw," Kankuro said as his name was called for his battle. Everyone looked shocked at his decision; well everyone except Temari. After all, she was the one who finished convincing him to withdraw from it. "I withdraw, so please, advance to the next match."

Sasuke still hadn't arrived till that point, and by doing so, unexpectedly changed the plans of Sunagakure. Naruto and Neji battle had already been held, Naruto winning to the surprise of everyone in the arena. If everything had gone as scheduled, Gaara and Sasuke would have been fighting at that exact moment. But signs of the Uchiha's survivor, the authorities had decided to delay that match and continue with the resting. This obviously posed a huge problem for the Suna Siblings. After a month of preparation today, they intended to launch the Konoha Crush.

The plan was fairly simple. On cue, a genjutsu would be placed on the arena and Suna ninja would attack, eliminating any Konoha ninja in the area. At the same time, Gaara should unleash Shukaku to rampage through the village. The rest of the plan was left for the second front, who would attack the village from the outside. However, they knew that if they didn't carry out the attack correctly from the inside, there was no way the forces who awaited beyond the city walls could achieve anything at all.

Both Kankuro and Temari had to keep their chakra levels as high as possible in the case that everything went out of control. Beyond that, they should assure they didn't reveal the true potential of their jutsus to the opponent. That's why she knew that if someone got to do it that was her. Although she hadn't got as much chakra as Gaara, she definitely had more than Kankuro. As opposed to Kankuro's abilities which solidly depended on the use of chakra threads she was a wind user, allowing her to battle without the need of using an excessive amount of chakra as long she could keep distance from her enemy and formulate and quick, powerful yet assertive attack.

"Due to Kankuro's withdrawal, Shino Aburame wins by default."

As the proctor said these words, Temari graved her fan and opened it, cutting sharply with a wind curtain the protest of the crowd in the arena. Gracefully she stepped up to the fan and used it to get down to the arena's battlefield.

"And you are?" Asked the instructor as she lay on the ground.

"It's my turn, right?" Temari said while closing her fan and moving towards the middle of compound land.

" Well, you sure are an eager one, aren't you?" he said. He had no idea, she was eager for this nightmare to finish. She only wanted to get things done and go home. Just that. "Fine, let's start the next match then. Hey you up there, come down!"

"Maybe the Chunin Exams won't be that much of a drag." Did he really say that? Now his only wish was that he hadn't passed the preliminaries. Watching over with his teammates the finals. He knew any genin would want to be in his position, but he didn't. Everything about this tournament was such a drag.

"Oh man, how come I'm the only one who has his matches changed around so much?" Shikamaru said as he looked down to the ground- Well, I guess I can also forfeit and...

But before he could say anything else he felt someone's hand pushing him against the rail and to the ground.

"Alright Shikamaru, go for it!"

Yes, it gotta be. Naruto, that jerk.

Shikamaru laid there on the floor over the edge of the perimeter looking up to the clouds as they drifted by. After all, that is what he was wanting to do all day. Why shouldn't he?

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