Chapter one: the beginning

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I was just a normal 15 year old girl.
I had a good life, a happy family, I had good grades in school, I had my dreams, my life ahead of me.
But most importantly I had Lydia.
I had a few 'friends' at school but in Connecticut nothing really exciting happens.
Which sucks because I love all things horror and mystery, strange and unusual per say.
As I said before Connecticut it's so boring the people are well.... vanilla to say the least.
So you can imagine the thrill I got when the Deetz family moved in and it made it better that they moved into the Maitlands house who had recently passed away.

So I immediately made it my mission to befriend Lydia there daughter.
She was around my age and wore all black. She was the only girl in town who wore all black all the time.
She also loved photography and spent a lot of time taking pictures.
Straight away we connected.

You see she would take photos and then I would draw them. I loved drawing and I was quite good at it.
We also had the same taste in movies and things like that. We also both loved the paranormal. Ever since I was little I loved it. Whenever we would go out people would stare at us because as I said she wore all black and my particular style was also quite different I always wore black and white stripes. Sometimes it would change to black and Y/F/C stripes.

Everything was going great it had only been like a month or two since I've known Lydia but I felt like I'd known her forever.
But one day we where hanging out at my house like usual but she seemed off, like her soul, her mind was distant even though physically she was close by. I asked was she alright but I just got a nod and then she said she had to go.
I waved her goodbye as she left. I was genuinely worried. Lydia may be different from everyone else in Winter River as she would say she was "strange and unusual" but this was not normal for her.

That night I was trying to think what might be wrong with her. I know she had a...a oh what was it called?. I stopped to think for a second until it came to me. A life coach! I know Lydia hated that women with a burning passion. The only time I had seen Lydia sad was when she told me about how her mom died and her dad wouldn't talk about her.
Maybe..... My thoughts where going to strange places but the theory I came up with was that, Lydia had caught her dad and Delia I think that was her name. Anyway she caught them together and then her dad told her they where engaged. Crazy I know but it was my theory and Y/N L/N was never wrong when it came to these things.

"Y/N sweetheart can you babysit y/b/n (Ur brothers name) your mother asks walking into your room with the 2 year old attached to her hip.

"Yeah, no problem are you and dad going out or something?" You asked genuinely curious to where they were going on such short notice.

Your mother looked at you with a nervous look on her face.
"Um..yeah your father is taking me out for our wedding anniversary." She said replacing her nervous look with a warm smile.

You could tell she was lying. You've always been able to sense theses types of things and you knew for a fact that there wedding anniversary was not that night. You felt a shudder go down your spine at the thought of your mother lying. Your parents and you always were honest with eachother.
You shrugged it off to be honest you didn't really care where they were going.

You managed to stand up out of bed a took your brother b/n from your moms arms and left to go downstairs.

A few minutes later your parents came downstairs in very fancy clothes. "Now remember he had to be in bed by 7:00." Your mom said giving a head nod in your direction signaling she was talking about your brother.

"Ok mom." You said before continuing on in the voice of an old woman. "Now you two crazy kids have fun and don't come back too late or your grounded and no TV for a week." You say earning a chuckle from your dad and a snort from your mom. As they say you are the comedian of the family.
You didn't think you were that funny but your family was the most vanilla in Connecticut. Well other than the Maitlands but now that there gone that leaves first place to the Y/L/N family.

Your parents left leaving you and your brother alone. It had been half an hour or so since they left. it was just turning 7:00 so she went upstairs to put b/n to bed.

When you went back downstairs you put on yourr F/S (fav show).
You just liked the background noise you texted Lydia seeing if you'd get an answer to what was going on with her.
'hey R u ok? '
A few seconds later she text back.

Lyds🖤; yeah, as ok as I can be. Y?

Me: idk you just seemed....idk off earlier.

Lyds🖤: was I? sorry I didn't realize I hope I didn't worry u

Me:yeah. It's fine I was just making sure u were ok. Well cya tmr at skool!

Lyds🖤: no worries I appreciate it. Cya tmr!

And that was the end of there conversation. Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, wrong even. Lydia was acting strange and her mother was lying to her. Maybe I'm thinking to much into this she thought looking at the baby monitor that was in her brothers room.
He was just lying there staring at a certain spot of the wall and laughing like someone was there but there wasn't.

What the heck? You thought to yourself. Why is everyone acting weird today? Did I miss something? Maybe I'm just paranoid, yeah I just need some sleep. You thought, taking the baby monitor up the stairs and into your room placing it carefully on the bedside table. You popped your head into your brother's room making sure he was all good. Before lying on your bed and falling fast asleep.

Hello people this will be my new story and I will be deleting the other one so yeah. And I would like to thank the people that read my other one so hopefully u all enjoy this one


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