Chapter 23: Meeting Harley

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I feel a gentle breeze blowing across my face, waking me up slowly from a deep sleep. It takes me a second to remember where I am but the warm blanket and dim light reminds me that I'm in a garage, in Tennessee. I rub the sleep from my eyes and stretch my arms, releasing the tension in my back. I begin to slowly stand up, shrugging off the blanket, but ultimately decide it's too cold so I keep it wrapped around my shoulders. I head towards K1, taking in my surroundings. This garage is well equipped, I think as I brush my hand over the many tools and devices that line the shelves. That's when I see it. The red and gold. I thought I was hallucinating but now I know I'm not. The Iron Man suit lies in the corner of the room, broken, battered and in desperate need of repainting. I see wires connected and I follow them straight up to a computer. Next to it sits a bowl filled with sweets... and a young kid staring right at me. 

I stare straight back, unsure of how to proceed. 'Hi...' I awkwardly stammer.

He stares at me blankly. 

'Do you know what that is?' I ask pointing towards the iron man suit. Maybe this boy knows where my dad is. 

He nods.

'I'm looking for the man who owns it. Do you know where he is?'

He nods again. 'Are you one of those fire people?' He questions, finally opening his mouth.

'What? No. I just need to find him, it's important.'


'Because we were separated and I have... important work to do.' I sigh frustratedly. 'Look, I haven't got all day so are you going to tell me where he went?'  

The kid just stares at me blankly. If I want answers, maybe I need to be a bit calmer. I sigh once more. 

'I'm Katy.' I smile, extending a hand and hoping that this will entice the kid out of his shell.

'You're Katy?' He looks surprised. 'The mechanic told me about you.'

'The mechanic?'

'Yeah, Iron Man.'

'Do you know where he is?'

'Yeah, he's gone to Miami.'


'Yep, that's where we traced the bad guys to. I'm fixing his suit for him.'

'He left you in charge of his suit?' I stand, arms folded. That doesn't really make sense. 'Listen...'


'Listen Harley, first off, it's kinda weird that you know who I am. Second off, Iron Man was here and I need to find him so it's really important that you to tell me everything that's happened. Ok?'

He nods. 'Ok.' 

'Thank you.'

'Is that yours?' He asks excitedly, pointing towards K1.

'Yeah, she's a bit bashed up though. I need to charge her up. Can I borrow some of your tools, please?'

'Sure.' Harley looks at me quizzically. 'Are you a mechanic too?'

'I invent the odd thing.' I laugh, sitting down next to him. 'I didn't make K1 though. Iron Man did.'

'He's really clever.'

'Yeah...' I pause, thinking about how it was only yesterday we were working together, looking for the Mandarin.  

'Can I get you a jumper? You look cold.' Harley asks interrupting my thoughts. His voice is so innocent.

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