Chapter 9: Lost

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'Don't you remember it was you who let me in?' 

I stare at Loki in shock as my thoughts race back. Back past the electric pulses and telepathic connection, back past the fight in Germany, back past waking up in Loki's lab, back all the way to Loki taking over my mind with the scepter. And then I remember. I was in the car escaping the collapsing building, still lost in a trance. Loki placed a hand on my head, he wanted to see my memories... and I let him. I let him enter my mind but he didn't just look around, he left a part of himself whispering in the dark corners. He left himself there so he could feed thoughts into my mind, so he could shape my words, so he could still control my actions. He linked our minds. He telepathically connected us. 

'Why did you do that?' I shout, the words trembling as they leave my mouth. 

'Well, you already know why I wanted to be on this ship. For me to succeed, I needed to tear this group apart from the inside and you were exactly what was required. Your father was very easy to wind up, since you had already done half the work before I had even arrived.  And the soldier, he just needed a push in the right direction. Clint helped me with the other two and, Thor, well I knew he just wouldn't stay away. But once I was finished meddling, I needed a way out. So I connected our minds and, using the scepter, created a beacon that would alert the others to my location. As you grew angrier, the connection grew and that was the signal for the Hawk to destroy the ship.'

'You're a monster.' I snarl.

'Miss. Stark, I think you'll find that it is you who brought the monster.'

 What?' I gasp, horrified. Loki means me. 

'Miss. Stark,' he slithers, 'when we first met, I saw a spark in you. I saw fire behind your eyes, I saw a young girl who was bold and fearless. But your lust for affirmation, well, that reminded me of myself. We are similar you and I, both powerful but weakened by our desire to be approved by others. However, I quickly realised I could shape you into something stronger. I've turned you into something so powerful, you will no longer be a mindless, weak human. You don't realise it yet but in time you will learn to control the power that flows through you and you will be unstoppable. But for now, I still have my uses for you so if you don't mind...' 

Before I can react, one of Loki's minions grabs me from behind. 

'Let me go!' I struggle against the tight grip, still shocked by what Loki has said. 

'Loki! You will not hurt her! Do you hear me?' Thor yells from inside the cage, smashing his hammer against the wall of his container. The wall cracks, the cage shakes violently. If he smashes it again, the cage will fall into the endless depths below. 

'The Humans think us immortal. Should we test that?' Loki smirks, satisfied with the power he holds over his brother. Loki moves over to the controls and begins pressing buttons. The floor opens up, showing the deathly drop to the world below. A cold wind begins circling around, ready to suck lives into the empty void.  I struggle against the guard, this time using my elbow to knock him in the face. Surprised, he lets go and I quickly flip around, kicking him in the stomach and then punching him in the face. He drops to the floor, unconscious. Loki snarls at me and I glare back, my eyes narrowing as I run over to him. I prepare to tackle him out of the way of the controls, energy flowing through me as I charge towards him. I lunge at his body but he grabs hold of my waist, flips me around and swings me into a choke hold. His arm is wrapped around my neck and he squeezes tightly. Struggling to breathe, I grip onto his arm with my nails, scratching around in an attempt to be released.  I hear him laughing in my head as darkness slowly clouds over my eyes. 

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