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'So, what's your New Year's Resolutions?' Nat asks, sipping a glass of champagne. 

'I don't know.' I shout above the loud music. 'I haven't really ever made them before.'

Nat takes another swig from her glass. 'Well if you made them, what would they be?'

'Em...' I take a moment to think. 'Well I guess there's the usual learn to cook a new meal, learn a new language blah blah but seeing as you're teaching me Russian and I know how to cook it would have to be... explore New York since I now live here, start playing piano again, do some writing, discover more about my powers... oh and reconnect with dad.'

'Nice. You going to continue training?'

'Yep, but maybe take a break from SHIELD for a while.'

Nat nods a little before handing me her glass. 'Here, take this, I'm going to find something stronger.' 

'Wait Nat! I don't... drink.' But she's already gone, leaving me standing alone in the middle of the party. I swirl the glass in my hand, looking at the sparkly liquid. The music blasts loudly from the speaker as people drunkingly dance along. Dad must be somewhere amongst them. This is my first New Year's Party, well first party ever. I'm not going to lie, I do feel uncomfortable, the only people I know are the Avengers. I feel like I'm continuously being watched, by who I don't know but there are millions of people, not to mention reporters, crammed into this tower. Another classic Stark Party. And if someone asks, I'm invited as someone's niece of a friend. Not that anyone has or probably will anytime soon.  

'Hey honey, how are you doing?' Mum asks, looking fabulous in her red dress. 

'Good, a bit overwhelmed.' I reply.

'You look beautiful by the way.' She says, commenting on my dress. It's navy blue, halter neck with a puffy skirt, matched with some flats and sparkly earrings. I let Nat style my hair and apply light make up. It's not so bad, I do enjoy dressing up every now and then. 

'The fireworks are starting soon if you want to head up to the roof. I think Banner and Steve are already up there.' Mum adds. Smiling, I nod, then leave mum to weave my way through the crowd upstairs. For some reason, I'm still holding onto the glass but I can't see a space to put it down so I just clasp it awkwardly. When I climb up to the roof, Steve is already there along with Banner. They seem deep in conversation but welcome me when I approach. 

'Is this where the boring people hide?' I laugh. 'The others should be up soon, if they're not too drunk already.' 

Steve slowly shakes his head 'I see you've started young.' He points to the glass.

'It's not mine, it's Nat's.' I reply, taking a seat next to them. There's only a few chairs- I put them on the roof one night when watching the stars. It's cold but it's a good place to think. 

'So what are you guys up to?' I ask.

'Avoiding reporters.' Steve replies,

'And the press.' Bruce adds.

'And the drunk girls.' Both share a look and laugh. I imagine them fending off drunk women would be amusing to watch. 

I join in the rest of the conversation, laughing at Steve as he makes a list of things to catch up on. There's a slight buzz of electricity in the air, making me aware of the cameras. I feel like I'm being watched despite that no one else is around. Maybe I'm just nervous of the mass numbers of people in my house. Eventually the rest of the Avengers stumble up the stairs. The only ones who aren't drunk are Thor and Pepper. 

'Hey, I wondered where you went.' Nat slurs.

'Away from you!' Clint laughs. The pair can be quite childish when they are together. 

'Mini Stark!' Thor booms. 'You look radiant!' 

'Thank you.' I smile.

'Hey, there's my daughter! Drinking already I see.' Dad laughs.

I roll my eyes. 'It's not mine!'

Everyone shuffles around on the roof, positioning themselves for the big count down. Dad stands behind me with a hand on my shoulder. Everyone's smiling and laughing, exchanging jokes and stories. Excitement courses through the air and adrenaline distracts from the winter breeze. 

'One minute to midnight!' Nat shouts raising her glass. Everyone begins counting down, screaming the numbers like there's no tomorrow. I find myself wrapped up in the excitement and soon I'm shouting at the top of my lungs for all of New York to hear.











'Happy New Year!'

There's shouts and cheers. Hugs and secret kisses. Fireworks erupt in the sky. Sparks of blue, purple, red and gold. I soon find myself lost in a sea of hugs and "happy new year's", clinking glasses and sipping champagne. It tastes fizzy and slightly warm, but I enjoy the bubbles dissolving in my mouth and soon the glass is finished. 

'Happy New Year Mini Stark.' Dad whispers in my ear, hugging me tight. 

'Happy New Year Dad.'

We stay up on the roof for a while longer watching the fireworks. I'm tempted to drink more but I won't. Instead I settle for a coke and head back downstairs to the rest of the party. There's more dancing and singing. I grab a drink and head over to Thor as he shares his stories of Asgard. I laugh at one about Loki.

'Don't believe a word he says.' Loki whispers in my head, making me laugh more. I can practically hear his eyes rolling. 

The night progresses and people slowly leave. The sense of being watched lingers but cameras are still flashing in my face. I avoid the reporters for a while longer until they've left. It's just the Avengers remaining in the tower, surrounded by empty glasses and cans of beer. I sit on the couch eating crisps, listening to more stories and banter between the Avengers. Everyone laughs at my story about the time Clint and I pranked Steve, switching out the shampoo to blue hair dye. 

'That's my daughter.' Dad raises a glass to me. 

Night fades and morning arises. The sun beams through the window and everyone slowly ambles back to their rooms. I don't realise how tired I am until I reach my bedroom, immediately collapsing on the bed face first. I'm about to fall asleep until I hear something click behind me. I'm instantly turning around, lightning at my hands. A figure emerges from the corner of my room, the darkness clouding his face. 

'Hello Miss Stark, enjoy the party?' 

My lightning dies down slightly when I recognise the voice. A voice that demands respect and authority and one that scares me. 


'Can I help you?' I ask warily. I'm tired and I want to sleep. Now's not the time for spies. 

'I need your help Miss. Stark. I need someone I can trust. Someone who can slip by undetected. Someone who isn't on any systems.'

'Why?' I ask cautiously. 

'Because I think SHIELD may be compromised.'

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