Chapter 28: Clean Slate

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'You said you wanted the Mandarin. You're looking right at him.' Killian grunts. As he edges closer, I can see veins of fire stitching his body together. Bits of skin flake away, falling to the ground in dusty ash. The air is thick with smoke. I bring my lightning to my fingers but the sparks are dull. I have no energy left and dad is not in his suit. Instead he lies on the ground, his feet are bare and a cut lines his forehead. Neither of us are prepared for another fight. 

'It's always been me, right from the start.' Killian sneers, raising his hands with fistfuls of fire. 'I am the Mandarin!'

I close my eyes, trying to raise a shield to protect us, but instead of us being blown apart, something from behind knocks Killian through the air. 

'Pepper!' I exclaim, lowering my hands. Her hair hangs loose and her skin glows bright orange as she stands amongst the flames. She drops the metal pole on the ground and looks directly at dad. Dad stares back in complete shock, slowly shaking his head. We thought she was dead. 

'I've got nothing.' Dad stutters. I stand next to him, also in shock, unable to move. She's alive. In our moment of amazement, Killian stands back up again. He's about to attack but dad's suit has registered the extremis and has begun to power up. It flies towards Pepper and Killian and I can see its eyes narrowing, preparing to target them. 

Dad's eyes widen. 'Jarvis... subject on my twelve o'clock is not a target!' But the com link that connects to the suit has fallen out his ear. He looks increasingly worried as the suit begins flying towards Pepper. It begins firing, barely missing her. I'm about to summon what's left of my lightning but instead Pepper begins running towards us. She runs fast, skin glowing, eyes determined. I stand back as she leaps into the air and smashes her glowing hand through dad's suit, tearing it to the ground. She rips her hand out, flipping her hair backwards. 

Dad and I watch, paralysed by surprise as she punches Killian away from her. She seems unfazed as she reaches down and attaches the iron man hand from the broken suit. Then Pepper kicks an explosive through the air, blasts it with the Iron hand and immediately causes it to explode. Killian is killed instantly. This time there will be no resurrections. 

My mouth hangs open as I watch Pepper standing amongst the explosion. That was badass! Dad slowly regains himself to his feet, just as stunned as I am. I don't say anything as Pepper turns around staring at us, then her iron hand, then the explosion. Her skin has stopped glowing and now she seems frightened.

'Honey...' Dad starts as Pepper turns towards him.

'Oh my god, that was really violent.' She pales, causing me to laugh a little. After all that, Pepper is straight back to her usual stressed self. 

Dad walks towards her. 'You just scared the devil out of me. I thought you were-'

'Dead? Why? Because I fell two hundred feet?'

Dad gawks at her. He has no reply. 

'Who's the hot mess now?' She pants.

'Still debatable.' I shrug. 'Might be tipping your way a bit though.'

Pepper gives me a small smile and then looks over at Dad. 'I think I'm beginning to understand why you don't want to give up the suits. What am I going to complain about now?'

I scoff. 'It's dad. I'm sure you'll think of something.'

Dad rolls his eyes then slowly reaches out to tuck away Pepper's hair. She flinches away.

'Don't touch me, I could burn you.' She flusters but dad ignores her and instead gently holds her arms. 

'It's ok.' He assures her. 'See, not hot.'

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