Chapter 16: Iron Patriot

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All we were going to do was watch a movie but before I had even flipped through the channels, the screen was interrupted with colours and fuzziness. A symbol appeared: two swords surrounded by ten circles. Could it be the ten rings? No, they were killed. I looked across at my dad, who's eyes were fixated on the hijacked tv...

'Dad...' I ask quietly. 

'Shh.' He motions without looking at me. I wonder if he's thinking the same thing. Electricity pulses through my body. I'm on high alert as I watch the hijacked tv unroll in front of me. A man paces back and forth a line of civilians. I inhale sharply as guns lift up, ready to shoot. Are we about to witness a live execution? I worriedly glance across at dad who's head perches on his hands.  He stares intently at the screen.

'Some people call me a terrorist; I consider myself a teacher.' 

The ominous voice sends a chill through my body. 

'America, ready for another lesson?' 

The video displays reels of people screaming and shouting. An image of a blown up airbase. Thick smoke and flames. This can't be real. 

'I did that.' 

I watch each scene in horror. Dead bodies. Fire. Burning bodies. The man addresses the president, threatening him directly.

'You don't know who I am. You don't know where I am. And you'll never see me coming.' The man stares into the camera. It feels like he is able to see right into me. The sound of guns, explosions and screaming echoes through the final part of the recording until the colours resume and the tv goes back to normal. 

Except, now this message is all anyone can talk about. The Mandarin. That's what they're calling the terrorist group. I switch off the tv and release a shaky breath. This can't be happening. Dad and I sit in silence for a few moments, each of us thinking intently.

'Dad, that symbol, there was ten rings. It wasn't...'

'No, at least I don't think it was. This looks like a different organisation.'

'What was it about?'

'I don't know.'

I check my phone, seeing if anything from SHIELD has popped up, but the screen remains blank. Maybe they already know. Maybe they're already thinking about it. I wonder if they'll call in the avengers but as bad as it sounds, I can't see SHIELD doing anything about something that doesn't directly concern them. 'What should we do?' 

'We do nothing. Not yet. This doesn't concern us.' 

I pout, not happy with the response, but whoever they are, we have no leads or any idea where they are. But they blew up a military base which means the army must now be involved. And we know someone who is in the army. 

'We could ask Rhodey, he might know what's happening.' 

Dad leans back against the sofa, his hands massaging his temples. 'No, we're not doing that. Let's just have a nice Christmas and try not to worry too much about hero stuff, ok?' 

I sit unconvinced. I can't believe dad isn't the least bit intrigued. He sighs. 'Listen, if they need us, they'll call.' 

'Fine.' I slouch into the chair, dropping the conversation. I've been training for six months, it would be nice to have a little break. If it becomes more serious, I'll investigate. 

'Good, now why don't we grab some ice cream and watch a movie?' 

I smile and get up from the couch to grab a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream, it's my favourite flavour. 

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