Chapter 1

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Jab again,

"Kai, you better not be out there, we got to go!" dad shouts from the living room, I hold the punching bag still and look up, letting out a deep breath, I quickly tear off my boxing gloves.

I look back at the punching bag one last time, I'll miss you baby, you were always there for me when I needed to punch someone really bad, don't ever forget me, I'll come back for you, I promise, goodbye punchie, be good for mommy okay?

I tug at my hair and walk into the living room where dad was packing up some stuff, he looked up at me with those intense brown eyes and I smiled sweetly at him, "Don't come any closer, now you're all sweaty, I'll give you ten minutes to get those yourself cleaned up" I nodded my head and ran up to my room to have a quick shower.

As soon as I was done, I walked out, holding the remaining things that I needed, with long strides, dad walks up to me, smiling a little "We good?" I nodded and walked down with him and then to the car while he locked up the building.

I sighed a little, pulling out my gloves and smiled, just a couple of hours and you'll be back on my fingers. Dad opens the door and settles in, he glanced at me and smiled before he twister the key in the ignition, bringing the engine alive, he starts to drive while I stared at the screen of my phone, hoping to find something that can get my mind off leaving this place.

Moving back to where all the pain began, all the bullying and where mom got missing was not so easy, but dad really wanted this and I couldn't stop him because of my own selfish reasons.

I turned on the radio, Savior comes on by Iggy Azalea and Quavo, dad starts humming to it and before you know it, we were screaming the song at the top of our voice.

"Honey, I hope you're not sad" I nodded and smiled at him, in just a few more hours, we'll be back home, back to where it all started. I sigh and closed my eyes, welcoming sleep

First chapter, I'm so excited. Anyways my potatoes, please


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