Chapter 6

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"Kai, get out of bed and take the trash out, please honey" I hear dad call from his room, followed by some banging, must be fixing things again.

I roll out of bed, forgetting that I was already at the edge, my eyes fly open as I hit the ground, groaning as the back of my head hit the floor.

I roll on my side, then stand up, my lids still heavy from sleep, I stumble my way or if my room, to the kitchen, grab the trash and walk outside, I yawn and rub my eyes, not realizing when I pass our trash can, I open the lid of the trash can and dump the trash in it.

I turn around, and find myself staring at intense grey eyes, oh no. I turn around, "I can't do this, I've had a bad day and no good looking idiot is going to make it worse, C'mon Kai, you can do this, just walk away, or just ask why he ate your pizza, little bozo"

I turn and see him with an amused smirk on his face, I open my mouth, then shut it, "I really can't do this" I tug on my jacket to cover up my exposed stomach.

Not that I'm fat, just that I have a liking to things must girls don't, my six pack is one thing guys not girls want, I love my leg hair to much to shave it off, I don't really care if my hair is huge or not, I hate salads, and dresses are my worst enemies.

I realize I'd been looking at him for long enough, noticing the satisfied smirk on his face, I sigh, "Look, Morales, I don't have time right now, I'll ask you why you ate my pizza later, okay, it's a Saturday, I get to sleep in, I have no training and please, please, don't make it harder than it is"

He bites his lower lip that was trembling from holding in so much laughter, in some way, he looked so cute and yet so sinfully delicious, I think I could just sleep in his arm, those hard muscles peeking out from the thin fabric that fits so tightly around his bicep.

My eyes flutter, my brain power dying, my strength leaving as I slip out of consciousness and into deep sleep. My body rests on something hard.......everywhere!

I snuggle closer, breathing in the scent, apples, forest and some shampoo. I moan into the hard body, wrapping my arms around a neck, warm arms wrap around my waist and oh, it felt so good.

Soft breaths fanning my face, I close my eyes, letting the scent consume me.


Hmm. I'm pulled against a hard body, warmth filling me, engulfing me in an addicting scent of apples and the forest. Warm hands wrapped around my waist, bringing me closer to a warm body.

I snuggle closer, licking my lips, I turn around and face a broad chest, my fingers tracing his hard lower abdomen.

Wait a sec!


Dad knows not to enter my room when I'm sleeping, Kyler isn't back, so who is the fudge nugget?!

My eyes fly open and I stare into cold grey eyes, my own eyes widen and I roll only to fall flat on the ground, that's twice today, curse you Gaea.

"Son of a pickle, that hurt" I groan as I try to sit up. I pull myself up, using the bed Agd I collapse on it, breathing hard, that is definitely the worst way to wake me up.

I look at River and see him looking at me with a smirk on his face. "What are you doing here? Are you trying to kill me or what?!" his smirk turns into a grin but he still didn't answer. Gah!

I glare at him but that only makes his grin wider...... if that's even possible. I stand up, totally unaware that my stomach is bare and on full view for him.

How did I end up in bed with him? Why did I end up in bed with him? How did I enjoy being in bed with him? Why did I enjoy being in bed with him?

"What are you doing here? Did you kidnap me? No wait if you did I won't be in my room, okay, okay, were you trying to sleep with me? I thought you hated the female race?" he just arches a brow.

Right now, I'm fuming, I'm pissed. So pissed, "What are you, mute?!" I watch as he stands up, slowly making his way towards me, my breath hitches in my throat, a lump forming, my mouth becomes drier with each step he takes closer.

His hands hold my shoulder, his soft breath fanning my face, his eyes searching mine, my lips part and I suck in a breath.

He moves around, standing behind me, his hands leave my shoulders and wrap themselves around my waist, pulling me to his hard chest, his other hand find themselves in my hair, tugging and caressing the back of my neck, his hair tickles my skin as he leans in, inhaling my own scent, I probably stink, seeing I haven't had a bath.

I let out a gasp as his lips comes in contact with my jaw line. Kissing, sucking, licking, he stole my breath.

He keeps kissing his way down, when he reaches the curve that connects my neck to my shoulder, I let out a moan I tried so hard to bite back, sucking on the skin, my head falls limply back to his chest, his fingers playing with my hair, I bite my lip and close my eyes, trying to catch my breath.

He says so quiet that I could barely hear it, he whispers in my ear, his lips tickling me, he asks,

"Does that answer your question?"

Then he leaves, almost like he was never here, leaving me more confused, and wanting more of his addicting touch.

Now I gotta ask,

Am I crazy?

Am I not crazy???


What do you think of the chapter?

Do you just love what River did?

Who prefers him mute?

Personally, I love this chapter and I've been waiting to write it for so long,

Please don't forget to


Till next time my potatoes

Much love


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