Chapter 10

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Picture up is Min-Jun.


I swear in the most annoying way possible, in between some 'darn', 'fudge', and 'crap', my back hits the floor as I crash onto it. "Owww!" I cry as i raise my head, rubbing the sore feeling at the back of my head.

Groaning, I stand up and look at the time, 7:30 am. Why did I set the stupid alarm clock to 7:30?! I groan even louder as I walk to the bathroom, and see the explosion on my head. How does dad look at me?

I pee and brush my mouth, take a long cold shower to wake me up. I didn't wash my hair today cos I didn't really work out, so I just comb it out, and let the curls shine.

I pick out a white shirt and dark blue shorts. I take my favourite black bra and a black singlet, wearing it underneath the white shirt, I pull on the shorts and pack my hair up.

Trudging down the stairs, i walk into the kitchen and see dad stirring something, "Morning dad" I call as I sit on a stool at the kitchen island. "Morning sunshine, how was your night?" He asks as he flips a pancake them goes back to making the bacon and eggs for himself. "Better, oh and Min-Jun is picking me up today after school, we're going to the baby store to get the stuffs for Neferankh, she'll be back next week from grandpa's, remember?" I ask and dig into my pancake, loving the taste of honey on my lips.

"Hmm, I'm gonna be back late too, I'm doing something for Eou-Jung, Min-Jun's dad is getting crazy again. Min-Jun may move in at the end of this week" I think about it for a while, I mean its not like I have a problem with him moving in, he's lived in our house like every holiday when we were kids, it's his mom I'm worried about, Hus dad is something else and he's the person his mom's got.

I pick up another piece of the pancake and eat, "It's fine with me, Min-Jun is family and it'll be fun staying with someone that's not fifty" I say and he fake gasps, "Young lady I am forty, that's not old!" I laugh and put my dish in the sink, run upstairs and get my backpack just as Luke starts honking.

I manage to get a 'bye dad' out before I dash out of the house and into Luke's car, slamming the door closed, he drove off, humming to himself the theme song if iCarly, no one watches that anymore, but nonetheless, I sing along with him.

He pulls into the schools parking lot, soft humming of one of the songs from Moana  coming from Luke, I open the door and slide out, clutching at my backpack as some people glance over at us.

I roll my eyes as Luke winks at some girls who completely swoon over him. The buffoon smiles and follows me to the entrance of the building, I walk towards my locker, stuff some of my books inside and grab my old English notebook, a copy of pride and prejudice I borrowed from  the school library.

"I'll see you in gym" I say as the bell rings, he nods and waltz up to whatever class he has. I turn and make for old English class, River's face popping into my mind.

Yesterday, we bickered back and forth on how much of a dork he is. Him constantly reminding me of how hot he looks.

Even though you need no such reminder, you know it by heart. An annoying voice sings in my head.

Oh yeah? And how do you know? I retort.

Because I'm you silly!

I shut the voice out and open the door, my eyes falling on black hair, grey eyes and a sly smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and walk to our seat. Anger swirling in me as I remember my pizza.

With a huff, I crash on the chair, blowing my hair out of my face. He turn to me, his smirk forming into a grin, "Finally admitted that I'm as hot as you know?" He wiggles his brows, I roll my eyes and look at him.

"Puh-liz, I've seen better" his eyes widen and he gasps, putting his hand to his chest dramatically. He pulls the back of his hand to his forehead, making death gasps.

I roll my eyes for the tenth time today, "Get yourself together Morales, people will miss you if you're dead" one of his eye pop open, his face lighting up.

"You'll miss me?" I quirk a brow, "I just said people, whoever said me? And i just meant your boyfriend, you don't wanna die on him, do ya?" 

His face morphs into confusion, "What boyfriend?" I blink, "Aren't you like gay or something?" He looks at me for a second.

Before bursting into a full blown laughter. Drawing the attention of the other kids who weren't looking at us already, I groan and hit my head on my notebook multiple times.

"I'm not gay, who told you that?" He asks, "Luke" I sigh and realize just his stupid I sound, I really believed Luke, of all people!

"To prove I'm not gay, come over to my place this evening and I'll show you just how straight I am" he says so close to my ear so only I could hear. I gulp..

"I'm not doing anything until you give me back my pizza, and a full a box for making me mad for a week" I grumble and he chuckles beside me, where are you miss Roxanne?

"You didn't seem mad when we cuddled in your bed on Saturday" he says and my eyes grow wide as everyone gasps.

He did not. He did not just say that out loud!

I can literally see everyone's mouth open wide. He said it. He said it out loud! I grit my teeth and glare at him, he just watches me with amusement laced in his features.

I'm about to tell him to go to tartarus when miss Roxanne strolls in, apologizing for being late, i bite my tongue in my mouth, stopping myself from lashing out.

He's so gonna get it tonight.

______________ _____________
______________ ____

I'm back with more amusement to make up for the annoying and boring lockdown.

So River talks, a lot, and he's a narcissistic idiot.

Do you guys want Kai to forgive him or give him an earful of lecturing and make him buy her two boxes of pizza?

Be sure to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter.

Much love


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