Chapter 4

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The air got knocked out of me as I slam against the lockers. The next thing that follows is a hard punch to my stomach, one to my face, sending an agonizing pain all over my body, I fall, landing flat on the floor.

I open my eyes and see a leg drawing closer, I whine in pain as the leg cones in contact with my stomach, I try to catch my breath as the laughter echo's through the hallways.

This was how it all began, how I ended up on the floor just like many years ago, just like middle school before we moved, this was how I ended up laughing at my bully's retreating figure.


I poke my head out the door, looking left, right and left again. I carefully stepped out of the classroom and rush towards my locker to get my books and get the hell out of this building before I end up with a broken body today.

Although I know it'll take more than what happened in middle school to give me a broken arm.

As soon as I was done, I was literally two seconds away from the doors when someone called out my name, "Kai, Miss Roxanne says she wants to see you" I turn and access the girl, blue eyes, pink hair, white shirt and blue jean pants.

I sigh dramatically and turn to face the hallways, destination: old English class, I walk with heavy footsteps, I know I'll probably regret ever thinking of doing this, walking down this hallway, not noticing how everyone suddenly disappeared, making the school go quiet even more than my own brain during a history test.

I slowly push the door open, calling out, "Miss Roxanne? Hello? Anyone here?" when no answer comes, I take in a deep breath and turn around, walking back towards the exit.

I hear footsteps behind me and I quickly whip around only to realize that I was flying backwards, the air knocked out of me as I slam into the lockers.

(flashback ends)

I gather myself together and stand up, limping on one leg add the other hurts badly for crashing on it and the hard kick to my shin, I lick my lip and walk out of the building.

Great way to start the first day.....again.

I open the door, thankful that dad was out, I shut it behind me and walk up to my room, I push the door open and crash on the floor, no, it's not from the punches of my cowardly bully, it was from carrying my backpack filled with the devil sent notes and homework I hear to complete.

Heaving a breath, I stand up and throw my backpack to one corner, I ditch the shirt and pants, slide on my boxing shorts and a sports bra, I grab my boxing gloves and walk down.

Gotta meet some steam out.

The back door burst open and I found Luke with my nutella jar, half empty!

"You little son of a fudge, why the hell are you with my jar? I swear if you hurt Amy, you will be six feet under the ground in a matter of seconds, or better, hail of spinach will fall only on you!" I scream and grab the jar from him

"Correction, it's my jar now since you're on a bloomin' diet, now give me my jar, you pickle" he says avg stretched his hand out, waiting for me to give him my jar.

Grumbling, I reluctantly drop the jar in his hands, "Ahh, feels so good to be in charge" he opens the jar and shoves his spoon in, taking a full scoop of my chocolate dream.

I turn to the punching bag and smile a little, giving it a good push, it swings and comes back at me, I grab and hold onto it, before releasing and taking a swing with my right arm.

I jab at it again with my left hand, again, the movement continues, "Kai, what's wrong with your arm?" Luke asks and stands, grabbing my left arm, I wince as he touches the bruise, "What happened?" he looks dead serious as I stare at him, "It's nothing, Luke, don't wo-"

"Did Bruce do this?" hits voice sounds deadly, I try to deny it but couldn't get any word out, so instead, I nod slowly. He let's go if my arm and runs his hand through his hair, "I'm gonna kill him"
I hold his hand and shake my head, "Please, don't, I'm the one who let him, I could take him but I know I hurt him and I wouldn't be able to live with that, just please" he squints at me, "He deserves to be hurt after what he's fine to you throughout middle school and now this, no, I won't let that happen"

I lower my head and suddenly found interest in the grass, warm hands wrap around me, pulling me into someone's armpit, "Ewww, Luke!" I yell and retreat. His deep chuckle cuts through the tension and I find myself laughing with him.

I flop down on the couch, placing my head on Luke's legs and my legs on the armrest, "Still watching this? I thought you grew out if it? Oh wait, you didn't grow at all" I tease as he holds his chest, "Harsh! And I've can never get tired of Barbie, it's the ultimate cartoon" I roll my eyes and watch with him,

We both whip our heads to my phone, "Still haven't changed the ringtone, really?" I smile, "Not everyone can get you to scream like a girl Luke, besides, if anyone steals my phone, I'll just call it and, bam, they run away, worked before, it'll definitely with again" I say and grab my phone, looking at the caller ID, I swipe

"Hey dad, what's up?"
"I don't know what to get for dinner, Chinese or pizza?" I glance at Luke, "Pizza" I say into the phone, "I'll be home in thirty, bye" he says, "So, pizza for dinner eh? What flavor?" I raise a brow "Luke, you don't get flavors, you get toppings, and no it's not for dinner cos you're going home, now get up your fat butt" he groans,

I stare,

"Pretty please"

I blink

"Pretty pretty please"


He smiles

"Home, now!" he does a puppy face and when I don't react, he starts mumbling under his breath, grabbing his knapsack and his jacket, and storms out of the house, I shake my head and walk up to my room, sitting at the window, I look up at the sky, the moon lit sky, I look at the window next to mine and see River already watching me, my breath hitches as I take in his sight, guys shirt was wet, either from sweat or from a bath, his grey eyes perfectly visible, it looked almost white.

We just stay there, taking in each others features, until I see a figure waking suspiciously towards the house, I jump down into my room any grab the bat, running down the steps as quietly as I could, the door opens and the I flip the light switch and in literally three seconds away from clobbering the person over the head when I look up at brown eyes matching mine, "Dad?"

I drop the bat and he stares at me for some time, "You have a problem"

I put my hands behind my back and smile sheepishly at him.

There'll be another update today, but there may not be any in a few days, I'll try to update, just enjoy the next chapter,

Don't forget to

Well until then,


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