Chapter 37

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"Hey babe, can you hear me?" A voice asks and I try to move, but it felt like I couldn't control myself just yet.

I squeeze my eyes shut and release them, then do it again.

"Okay, if you can hear me shut your eyes tightly." I do just that and hear the person release a breath of relief.

"I'm so mad at you right now, K, I mean, I come home first thing and hear you're in an accident, give me a break, I just broke up with my girlfriend and she was livid."

From the way he was talking, I could already know that it was Kyler and I try to let out a laugh, but the sides of my lip just tug up a little.

I slowly blink, feeling the ability to move my body parts coming, but rather slowly. "I knew you'd laugh, you always seem to do so at my misery."

I open my eyes fully and stare at him, his dark brown eyes glaring at me, I try to say something but cough, my face morphing into pain.

He rolls his eyes and reaches for the cup of water that I'm sure dad had placed there since it was my special get well soon cup for anytime I fell sick.

As the cool liquid swirls in my mouth, gushing down my throat like a flood at the desert, my parched throat suddenly comes to life.

"Always got to be the dramatic one!" He says, throwing his hands up as if he wasn't doing anything wrong.

I manage to quirk a brow at him, and a stupid grin breaks out on his face.

"So, that's the only reaction I get, after talking my way into your life, bringing you back to consciousness, you quirk a brow at me? So typical you!" He scoffs and I try to get up but couldn't, my body aching in a terrible way.

I nearly want to cry out, my head aching me, I shut my eyes tightly, groaning as my shoulder burns.

Kyler seems to notice this and his eyes flash in alarm, stumbling forward, he pushes me down back on the bed and sends me his 'big brother' glare. I almost roll my eyes, if not that I know the pain will be too unbearable.

"If you don't remember, you got into a car crash with Luke, someone found you and called 911 since you were passed out and bleeding, Luke was completely unconscious and the doctors tried everything they could." He says, his eyes saddening at the last word.

My eyes widen and he shakes his head, "He's not dead Kai, he's in a coma."

And now I wish I didn't wake up.


My eyes flutter open and I stare at the dimmed lights, hearing the faint breathing of someone in the room.

My body allows me to turn my head, looking at the peaceful sight of dad sleeping on the chair, house head rested against my bed.

My heart clenches at the sight of him sleeping next to me when I was unconscious…again.

I wiggle my nose, the oxygen pipe right underneath itching me, I want to rip it off me.

Irritated, I make a noise and dad jolts up, eyes wide. "What? What?" He asks, looking around until he looks at me, his eyes widening even more at the sight of me conscious.

"Baby girl!" He cries, launching at me, he attacks my face with kisses and I try to groan, but my throat hurts.

Dad shakes his head, "No baby, don't talk, the accident affected your vocal cords so don't try to talk." He says, his brown eyes staring at me with so much brightness.

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