Chapter 45

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Hanging out with the Morales' was extremely fun, they'd actually placed a bet that Luca and Neferankh were going to get married and you can imagine how that sounds.

I mean, the boy's just four!

Lisa was extremely fun, at least she could understand how hard it was to carry a baby within you for at least nine months, and then take care of them, it's hard but worth it.

Valentino and Matteo were endlessly flirting with me, Alejandro kept smacking everybody's head, even Luca, Stefano had prepared a delicious Italian dinner for us.

Yes, dinner.

We stayed till dinner, I had to call dad and the guys, who were freaking out because of what happened the last time I was out late.

I still have a broken leg from that.

So, River drove us home, and well, Rivera's husband wanted to see him.

After his, um, private time with his wife.

River dragged me along, and now I'm here, in the living room with a soldier and darling Rivera.

And a shaking River.


"So, Romero, who's the lady?" Liam asks.

Liam apparently is Rivera's husband. And he's a really funny guy.

"Kai Winters, she's the girl next door." Comes River's squeaky voice.

"Boy are you talking to me like that?" He asks, his eyes narrowing.

"No sir." River replies, his voice a little better.

"Why were you out so late?" Liam asks and I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing, Rivera notices and widens her eyes, holding her index finger to her lips as her cheeks turn red from trying to hold the laughter in.

"We went to see mom and the boys." River says, blinking slowly.

"Is that right? And who are you?" He asks, turning to me.

"I'm a girl from his school who didn't know anything about his family being the famous Morales family and that he's adopted, or I can just answer Kai Winters from next door." I breathe and Liam's eyes lights up in amusement.

"Got a broken leg from falling over a fence?" He asks, leaning into his chair.

"I wish, got into an accident with my best friend, seems like someone has been trying to kill me." I say and look out the window.

"Been there." Liam mutters and I smile.

"How's the military been good?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I love my job, but I seem to want to come home everytime to see my beautiful wife." He says and casts a smile at Rivera who rolls her eyes.

"I get that, sometimes I don't want to go to school because of my daughter." I say and he raises a brow.

"I've always wanted a daughter." He mutters and I chuckle.

"Not that easy,  but it's worth it." I tell him and he nods.

"Romero, huh? That what everyone  except me and Rivera call you?" I ask and he glares at me.

"Don't try to change the subject, how did you just talk with Liam like that? Without stress and smirking like that?"

I roll my eyes at him and play with my hair.

Looking at Rivera play with Liam in the way my parents did every night, it hurt a lot.

"Hey, what's wrong?" River asks and I shake my head.

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