Chapter 2

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After we packed everything, dad left me to shop at the grocery store leaving me binge watching the Vampire Diaries, I picked up another celery stick and chewed on it, well I'm not really a vegetarian but dad got me on a huge diet.

I look at the time, seeing that it was 7:49 pm, I turn off the TV, and pack up the plate once filled with celery sticks, dump them in the kitchen sink and run up to my room. I open the door and the blue color illuminates the place, the walls, curtains, everything about the room was blue, a small smile made its way up my face, I stepped further into the room and towards the bed side table.

I picked up the small picture frame, me, mom, dad, and that little nincompoop called my brother. I stare at the big bed, blue sheets, nothing has changed over the years, everything still felt the same,   I pick up my blue towel, practically, everything about me is blue, had anyways been and will always be my favorite color.

I walk into the bathroom and stroll strip then get into the shower, I grab the booths of shampoo and squirt some into my palms, then start massaging it into my hair. I relax and inhale the peach smelling shampoo then rinse it out. I pick up the bottle of conditioner and squirt a lot of the gooey liquid into my palm, I slide it over my hair, concentrating on my ends, my hair is African hair and it's really hard to take care of when it's dry especially at the ends, I'm tired of picking out my hair from my brush, it really breaks my heart.

I grab the body wash and began to wash my body, why is the bathroom the best place to relax? I don't know about you guys, but I feel that, apart from the boxing ring, the shower is the second best place. I sigh and wash everything off, I grab my towel, and wrap it around my self, then I grab a smaller one and start seeing out my hair.

I walk out of the bathroom, my slippers making little sounds like a duck quacking, I walk over to the window, looking up at the night sky, the stars winking and playing around in the darkness of the night, probably singing "Hey little star, I wanna hit you with my car, throw you off a cliff so high, hope you break your neck and die"

Wait, what?

My eyes wander back to the dimly lit room just across mine, a figure moving about, nothing much to the room, the figure stopped and stared at the table for a few minutes, then they disappeared, by heart drops slightly and I debated whether or not I should wait or go do something else.

I stay for a while then look up, the sky still filled with tiny white dots, I smile and look back down to find intense grey eyes staring into mine, my breath hitches, black hair, chiseled jaw, ripped muscles, to be exact, he looked like a Greek god, I hear shuffling in the living room and turn around to look at my door, I frown and looked back to find thick black curtains laughing at me, I huff and look down then realise that I still had my towel around me, I pull my curtains together and shove my pillow in my face.


I walk down the stairs, strapping on my boxing gloves, dad was outside, waiting for me, I really had to beg him to train me today, I pull my hair into a loose ponytail, the extra curls falling down my face, as soon as I step down into the living room, I'm tackled by a tall figure, yelling in my ear "Kai!!!" it's only one person who'll ever be as loud as this, I push him off me,

"Luke, would you quit it, you're gonna kill me before I even see how dumb you've become" I say as I stand up, "Oh, puh-liz, I am smart, and gosh, I am so jealous of your muscles right now, are those real?" I stare at him, "It's good to see you too, I never knew you missed me that much, and Gee thanks a lot" I say, sarcasm laced in my voice.

"Awn, it's not like that B, I didn't miss you one bit, In fact, I had the greatest time of my life, not having to think for two people, having to follow you to the mall because of your lack of sense of fashion" he smiles and follow me to the kitchen, I will my eyes "You were always the dumb one Luke" I say and walk to the back after grabbing a bottle of water, I walk back into the living room, sitting on the couch, Luke flops down on the couch beside me, I smile and open the bottle,he slings an arm over my shoulder,

"I missed you a lot Luke" I say and turn to look at him, his eyes softens and he cups my face, "I missed you too" he ruffles my hair, I giggle and gulp of the water. I stare at the blank television, remembering all that happened back when we lived here, i felt a warm hand hold my shoulder, I look and find Luke staring at me with concerned eyes, "Are you sure you wanna do this? They're all gonna be there, everyone" I nodded and smiled, a sad smile.

I stare right ahead, knowing that I'll meet everyone that made my life a nightmare, but now I'm it's gonna be even worse, since I don't know what to expect. I let out a heavy breath, and swallowed, I turned to Luke "Drive me?"

Hey guys.
I'm still so excited about this book, second chapter and I really hope you guys like it.
Please remember to

Thanks a lot for giving my book a chance, I really do appreciate it.

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