Chapter 3

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I wake up this morning, a smile across my face permanently, the sun peeking through the curtains, the birds chirping.

Actually, I woke up by rolling out of bed, my eyes a little puffed, my body aching, my butt was sore from the fall that Luke laughed at, and it was already 7:58, and school starts by 8:30.

I rub my eyes and jump into the shower, turning it on the cold side so I don't fall asleep, one time, I slept in the bathtub for five hours.

Right now, I'm thinking of how I'm going to manage my life, I have to use like ten minutes for my bath, like ten minutes to eat and get dressed and about ten minutes to strangle my hair.

After I'm done with my bath, I rummage through my closet and finally choose dark Blue Jeans, a black top with an inscription 'EVERYBODY WANNA BE LIKE ME' and a white converse.

I run down with my back pack zip open, my hairbrush stuck in my hair, and my hair like a tornado attacked only me. I run into the kitchen and find dad cleaning his dish, "Morning dad, I gotta go, bye, love you" I yell as I grab an apple, Luke's horn honking loudly outside. I stuff my lunch into my backpack and zip it up.

I dash outside, the car door already open, i jump inside and drop my backpack in the backseat, and close the door. "Morning Luke" he raises a brow at me, she he starts driving and I start to brush my hair, it's so big and thick, I want to cut it off, everything.

The car halts in front of the school, it hasn't changed a bit since I left my the same school that brought pain to be for every single day I was here. With my hair fully detangled and looking like a tornado didn't attack me, I walk into the school and straight to the office.

I really forgot that this was Ridavark High, of course there would be whispers about the new girl walking beside her dumbass best friend, not to mention the way my hair looked to heavy for my head to carry.

I walk into the office and ask the lady that was there, a smile on her face and wrinkles as she saw me or as she saw Luke who was winking at her, and I tried my best not to gag as I asked for my timetable "Kai Winters" I tell her and she nods, I turn to look at Luke, my heart beat faster than normal, "Don't worry, you'll be fine, just pray you have classes with me" I look down, I'm going to see everyone from middle school, everyone one including that jerk Fuller, he never missed an opportunity to make me cry.

"Kai, here you go darling, how is Kyler doing?" she asks "He's well Miss Julie, have a nice day" I say and exit the office, I turn and look at Luke, "I have old English first, what about you?" he turns with a pout, "Spanish" I chuckle at this, "I'll see you at lunch then" I say and start walking towards English class after some girls start talking to him.

I push the door open and see that everyone's already taken their seats, the only one left is at the far back of the class, the chattering stops and everyone starts to stare at me, now I really am starting to regret wearing this shirt. Firstly, my muscles are flaunting themselves in front of everyone and I can feel that some people know me and don't want to be like me.

I slowly make my way to the seat, using my guy hair to hide my face, I slip into the seat and then the whispering starts. The teacher, Miss Roxanne, one of my favorite teachers walks in, "Morning class, love the report on the last assignment" she chirps, she's always been the cheery one, her eyes land on me, "Oh, we have a new but old student, Kai Winters" gasps fill the entire classroom.

"Heyy" was my awkward reply, "Alright, that's enough, we're going to be talking on pride and prejudice, so everyone open your textbooks to-" she was cut off as the door opens, a tall person walks in, really dark hair, jaw set, he looks at Miss Roxanne.

"River, you're late, make sure it doesn't happen next time" she says still with a smile on her face. He nods and turns to face the class, grey eyes locked on mine, my eyes widen as I remember the same way those eyes narrowed on me yesterday night.

He starts walking towards me, I shift uncomfortably as he sits down next to me, he lowers his head and brings out his textbook while I stare at him.

He stops whatever he was doing and turns abruptly and looks at me dead in the eye, I tilt my head and stare into his grey eyes, if you look really closely, it's like you could see a whole universe but still a little bit of darkness in it, when he sees that I don't back down from the stare, he raises a brow in amusement.

A small tug on his lip makes it look like he was smirking, Miss Roxanne's voice pulls me back to me as reality and I look back to the front but I don't miss the feeling that his eyes were still on me.

I try as hard as I could to concentrate on Miss Roxanne's teaching. By the way we were close, it was like I could feel all his energy radiating off him.

As soon as the bell goes, I pick my book and stuff it into my backpack, I turn and see that my new seatmate was nowhere to be found, sighing, I walk out of the classroom, heading for my next one.

AP chemistry

As I stop by my locker, I see people giving me the stares, probably figured out it was just Kai Winters, plain old me.

I switch for my AP chemistry notebook and strut towards the class. Everyone's eyes were on me, just like the time when I got stuffed with candy and he told everyone that I was a piñata. I got home with a really bad bruise, no, I got home almost dead.

As I kept waking down the hallway, the stares increased. If stares could make you a billionaire, I'd rule the world. I push open the door, waiting a little before walking in. Just to make sure.

I walk up to a combined seat and sit, waiting for class to start, I say a silent prayer, hoping my new chemistry lab partner was smart enough to give me- I mean us good grades, the best grades even.

My prayers are cut short when I hear a voice, I look up at the face they ruined my whole elementary and middle school life. The face that I saw every time before I black out from every punch delivered, the guy who's gonna be my lab partner.

"If it isn't Kai Nina Winters"

I stare until my voice finally comes back into my voice box and I croak out



Things are gonna get interesting soon, I know these chapters are like the most boring ones but something great will come on.
I really wanna thank you guys for checking out this book, it means a lot to me, so for now, my potatoes, it's bye,

Please don't forget to


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