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I'm lost.

Once again.
I'm lost in this beautiful forest.
I got lured in.

Why did I come here??
Why did I run away
From one hell to another.


The previous hell was a
Pretty cage.
Like a bird in captive.

I bided my time
Within those silver bars.
Now there are no cages
Just tall
Frightening trees

Within this

Beautiful forest

Beautiful hell

I'm lost.
I'm held captive by these
I was seduced by the thought of being free.

To be free.
And what a cost I had to pay
For this freedom.
Losing my way.
Losing my freedom.
To be free.

I'm free
By being bound
By shackles made from
Twines and
Bars from trees.
Just a pretty bird....
To be pretty till I die.

                                                                                                      - laina

Words Sung By A Weeping SoulWhere stories live. Discover now