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This pain.
This ache.

Ache in my heart.
Within my heart.

Hurts so much.

Words .

Twisted into one.


My words
Uttered by my lips

My emotions
Expressed by my eyes
Tears streaming down

My actions
hands moving on their own

Feet walking on its own

Blank mind

Words painted all around
On me
On the walls

On me
On the walls

Painted by me

Painted by you

Painted by everyone

Hurts me

Cuts me

So deeply

I do not bleed

But i ache

Ache so painfully .

I can't even utter anymore words.

I can't paint anymore .
Against you
Against anyone.
Against what you make me go through .

I silently endure.

I screamed .

Screamed till I couldn't anymore .

No one came
No one saw
No one but me

Me alone


What can i do


Bound with shackles

Around my neck .
On my feet .
Around my wrists.
And another
The worst of all
On my lips
one which no one can see

I sit quietly

At times

I scream

But then

I lose the will

I give up

Accept this
This wretched hell thrusted upon me.
The one i never asked for.

Blankly staring

Numbed to everything

Sitting against this wall
Staring at a door
with the keys in front of me.

With my entire being bound with shackles.

What did i do??
Do to do this to myself.
Why am i locked for being me?
Why have i locked myself??

Why did i do this.


Why did i not utter them back.

- Laina

Words Sung By A Weeping SoulWhere stories live. Discover now