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So many
So many paths
To a future
A future
Where I'm  standing alone
All  alone again
By myself
All the paths show me
Myself walking down them
Yet all alone
Sad  so sad
The girl
Standing at the beginning of the path
A girl with eyes full of tears
Hands adorned with scars
Scars of the red strings
binding her
The red strings of fate
Strings soked red with blood
Strings connected to all
Bound to all
All those who
Hurt her
Made her smile
All those who
Brought her sadness
Brought her happiness
Strings of fates
That must be severed now
Strings that bind each other
All of them bound to each other
Fingers wrapped with countless
Red strings
Now standing at the beginning
Beginning of a new path
Path full of thorns and flowers
Ahead of her
Behind her
Red strings that bind her
No more
She wants to be free
Free from all
She wants  to smile .
She wants to go somewhere.
She needs to go somewhere.
She needs to move.
Somewhere she can breathe
Somewhere she can feel
The breeze caress her cheeks
She needs to walk.
Walk ahead.
Red strings that
cut her
Bind her
She needs to walk ahead
To break free from them .
To be free from them.
So i do.
I tell that little girl in white.
Shedding tears.
I tell her to wipe them away.
I tell her its okay.
I tell her to walk.
Walk ahead.
I tell her not be afraid.
Not to be afraid.
I will always be by her side.
Not to falter.
Not again.
Because this time and forevermore.
I will always be by my side.
I will always be by me.
So she walks .
One  step at a time.
She walks ahead.
By herself.
- Laina

Words Sung By A Weeping SoulWhere stories live. Discover now