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   Ricky liked the idea of kissing a boy. He still liked girls, but it wasn't the same like he had for boys. When he was a toddler he would tell his mom he wanted to marry a boy. Of course his mother was very supportive of his idea. His dad was, too.

   He got older and came across the word homosexual. That's when he found out he was gay. He told his parents and they already knew, but didn't want to intervene with Ricky finding himself.

   Ricky felt better about himself.

   He was going to a new high school because his old one was homophobic. Ricky would come home with bruises and cuts, but they didn't break his spirit.

   "Dad" Ricky was seated on a woven rug with his back against the couch.

   "Yes?" Ricky's dad sat in a rocking chair watching tv. His dad was glued to the tv if he wasn't at work. Not a healthy habit.

   "Will I ever find someone?"

   "Everyone finds someone to love, just keep lookin" his dad said. Ricky thought he sounded wise. Ricky kept the his dad's words in his head as he woke up every morning. He decided not to get out and find a relationship. He would wait until one came to him. He was a patient person.

   Good thing he waited.

   "Ricky's new here. Will anyone volunteer and show him around" the teacher asked the class. A boy in the middle row raised his hand. He was wearing a bomber jacket with the teams name on it.

   "Thank you EJ. Ricky, you'll follow him and he'll show you around" EJ got up and led Ricky around the school. It was big, but Ricky just wanted to see the band room. He wondered if there were any bands that would need a guitarist.

   "So, this is the band room" EJ pointed to a room labeled 'band room.' Ricky smiled and walked in. He looked for a guitar and started playing. EJ watched fondly as Ricky hummed along. EJ was starting to like this boy.

   Ricky sat the guitar down and they continued the tour.

   "Well, this is the end. Can I see your schedule so I can dump you off?" Ricky nodded and gave him the sheet the office gave him. EJ smiled.

   "We have the same classes. We have Mr. Gordon now. He's very chill" EJ gave back the paper and they went to class. Ricky sat next to EJ since he didn't know anyone else. There was this girl named Nini that kept looking at him. It as kind of awkward for him. He just smiled and looked away. She wasn't exactly his type per say.

   Ricky thought EJ looked cute, though. He was probably straight. Every boy he had a crush on liked girls. So, he just gave up at this point. He sure was not going on any dating sites since he was to young and not that desperate.

   "Do you have a girlfriend?" EJ whispered to Ricky as they were taking notes down. Ricky cheeks flushed and he shook his head. EJ nodded and went back to taking note. Not a few minutes later he asked Ricky another question.

   "Do you have a boyfriend?" Ricky shook his head, again. EJ smiled and wrote a note to Ricky.

Would you like to go on a date?
Yes or No
Circle one, please :)

   Ricky circled yes and slide it back to EJ. EJ unfolded the paper and read it. He smiled and wrote his number on the back of the paper to give to Ricky.

   Maybe his dad was right. Everyone finds someone eventually.

Ricky and EJ Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now