Go Fuck Yourself

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EJ constantly tried to flirt with Ricky. Ricky wouldn't care, but he liked EJ. He couldn't tell if it was a joke or not. So, he acted like a hated it, but in reality he loved it.

He loved being all of EJ's attention. He loved the way EJ would look at him.

Ricky was walking to the gym for volleyball practice when EJ stopped him. He turned around and was met with EJ's smile. His smile was so perfect with his pearly whites showing. He didn't want to admit, but he would always get this type of feeling inside his stomach. It felt like butterflies were flying around inside of him. It was weird to think about, but it was true.

"Hey, cutie" EJ winked at him. Ricky rolled his eyes and turned around to leave.

"Don't be like that baby" EJ called out.

"Go fuck yourself!" Ricky yelled and continued walking to the gym. He heard footsteps behind him and he was thrown into the boy's locker room. He back met against the wall and EJ locked the door.

"What did you say to me?" EJ held a bitter smirk. Ricky was so quite that he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. EJ got closer when he didn't speak. He used arms and trapped Ricky so he couldn't move.

Ricky's eyes stared at EJ's lips unknowingly. Ricky caught himself and looked away and pretended to stare at the ground. His face felt warm so he knew he was blushing. He hoped EJ didn't notice, but he did.

EJ grabbed Ricky by his jaw and brought their faces closer to each other. Ricky stared at EJ in shock. EJ glanced at his lips and back up to his eyes. He leaned in and gave Ricky a kiss. Ricky kissed back with more force than he intended. He was urning for EJ to kiss his since he first laid eyes on him.

Ricky pushed EJ's hand away from his neck and grabbed his by his sweater. He turned them around so EJ was against the wall.

He bit EJ's bottom lip, making him moan. The moan sent chills up his back. EJ opened his mouth and Ricky slipped his tongue in. Their tongues glided against each other, harmonizing at each touch.

EJ was surprised when Ricky started to suck in his neck. He let out breathy moans.

Ricky's phone buzzed.

He backed away from EJ and got his phone out. After, he just left without saying anything. EJ was leaning against the wall as his hair was messed up and hickeys were forming in his neck.

Falling for Ricky even more.

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