Fries and Blowjobs

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   EJ was eating fries because they school lunch looked terrible besides the fries. The burger looked dried and flavorless. EJ was sitting with his cousin as she talked about her new song she was writing. EJ was bored out of his mind. He didn't want to show he was bored so he kept nodding his head.

   "Sorry, I got to go the bathroom" EJ speed towards the bathroom and felt a wave of horniness come over him. He groaned as his pants tightened.

   "Shit" he cussed under his breath. He brought out his phone and texted Ricky to meet him in the bathroom. He leaned against the sink and waited. He heard the door open and immediately dragged Ricky to the last stall that was the biggest.

   He began kissing him. Ricky was shocked at first, but he wrapped his arms around EJ's neck. Ricky turned them around so EJ was against the wall. He brought his hands towards EJ's crotch and started to rub up and down. EJ moaned as he felt the presser.

   EJ felt Ricky unbutton his pants and slipped his hands in. EJ let out a breathily moan and leaned his head against the wall. Ricky slowly stroked him until he was fully erect. Ricky left kisses on EJ's neck. Biting his weak spot. Making sure he left a hickey.

   Ricky got on his knees and brought EJ's pants down. He took EJ's manhood into his mouth and began sucking.

   "Oh fuck" EJ moaned. He placed his hand on Ricky's head, making Ricky take more of him. Ricky gagged, but still continued his work.

   EJ finished moments later. He watched Ricky swallow his seed. EJ brought Ricky up for a kiss.

   "That was intense" EJ chuckled. Ricky rolled his eyes.

   "For you it was" Ricky mouthed back.

   "What do you mean by that?" EJ questioned.

   "All I felt was a dick in my mouth and I hope your happy. I'm supposed to practice for the musical" Ricky left EJ stunned. Ricky was usually a sweet boy, but ever since he got a job, he's been moodier.

   He went back and sat down at the table his cousin was and tried to act natural. But of course she noticed.

   "Is that a hickey?"

   "No" he grabbed his tea and sipped it. Making sure to avoid eye contact as he got up and left for his next class. Maybe a side note to talk to Ricky about what's bothering him.

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