Chapter 5: Why the hell are there so many hallways?

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Phoenix's POV

Lexi looked back at me as if she needed reassurance from me but I managed to shrug my shoulders and she quietly replied with a roll of her eyes, I don't see why she needed my reasurance, I don't even know her.

But I had hoped that she didn't agree with the director on becoming an agent because he was one manipulating bastard none the less I didn't expect the director to let her go easily, and her vulnerability- although not shown on the outside- could get her stuck in the same situation as I am.

With all of that in mind she was still annoying and I did not know how I would be able to deal with her if she did become an agent.

"Ayo nix, wait up" I heard the annoying gruff voice of Nick, I stopped and turned facing the lanky tall browned haired boy, who I called my friend jogging up to me.

"Hey Nick" I said walking as soon as he reached me, " I heard agent X came" Nick said getting straight to the point.

"Yh what about her" I said in monotone voice, Nick wasn't part of the special 5 which is now 6 including lexi but he was one of the youngest hackers here he could hack anything within a few days and his coding skills would take a normal person years to understand, apart from Keiko she was out of this world amazing with just a flick of the wrist she'd have top hidden confidential informations handed to you on a silver platter within minutes.

"Hold up, she's a girl" he questioned. I gave him a look and he spoke up before I could reply. "I knew that it could've been a girl or boy, but I was half expecting it to be a guy" he said astonishment clear on his features.

"Trust me you wouldn't want to meet her unless you want bruises and bleeding ears." I added remembering how she battered my back, her punches we're certainly something else.

"What's she like?" he asked looking over at me. I only met her today and that's certainly not enough time to make a judgment on someone except of the fact that she was irritating as hell I found his question quite unexpected.

"Dude I only just met her, plus why does it matter?" truth be told I knew why it mattered I couldn't go a day without hearing about the lost agent X and all the different stories about her.

"She's the agent X, she could take me out in a blink of an eye" he exaggerated and I only pondered on his statement a little longer then normal.

"You sound like your gonna kiss the ground she walks on" I teased him I only met his blank stare and I shrugged my shoulders.

We said our goodbyes as the corridor leading to the special 6 facility came into view.

As usual the entrance was not easy to get into with the amount of security it held but I was used to it by now.

Making my way to the apartment we all shared I opened the door getting greeted by Dimitri stuffing his face with pizza.

You'd think the special 6 were productive and clean but it's all a lie cause at the end of the day we're all teenagers.

"Where is she?" Dimitri asked swallowing the remainder of his pizza and turning to me.

News sure travels fast, I thought to myself.

"With the director" I answered throwing myself on the couch beside Dimitri and snatching the pizza that he was about to bite.

"Not cool dude that was the last one" he said looking towards the two empty pizza boxes.

"You should be thankful that I'm looking out for your health" I said biting into the cold pizza.

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