Chapter 22 : Some mistakes get made.

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I opened my eyes hesitantly I didn't know what happened or where I was, then all of it hit me like a truck, being kidnapped, Oliver, Lola, the explosion the fire the blood, everything came back to me and I sat straight in my bed wincing in the process, my head felt so heavy my face felt sore and my body felt like it had been a target board for darts.

I lied down on the bed again and looked around the room, it was big and white very bland and nothing more to it. As I looked closer at everything I recognized my blanket and pillows. I was in my room.

Shouldn't I be in hospital?

A knock on my door filled my ears interrupting the peaceful silence, I didn't say anything and the person opened the door. I had been expecting it to be one of SS but I was wrong.

It was the director. What the hell was he doing here? Why was he here?

"Hello Agent X" he greeted in his smooth calm voice, I stayed silent not having the energy to talk.

"You're probably thinking why I'm here?" he said in a suggestive manner.

His beady eyes studied me and he dragged my desk chair and brought it next to my bed.

"You can heal you know" he said and I stared at him my eyes flickering at any movement he gave.

"There's no need for the dramatics you're a X all the pain will go if you just heal yourself" what was he talking about I'm a X?

"Can I ask you a question" my voice had been scratchy and worn the director nodded and I prepared my self for my next words.

"What's genisis X?" I asked his demouner didn't change at all although there was a flash of surprise other then that he looked like he knew I would ask.

"It's a new generation"

"No generation X already exists"

"They're too old, but you, you'll never grow old"


"You were a mistake Lexi you weren't meant to withstand the venom" he continued and I stayed dead silent.

Before he could tell me more loud gun shots reverberated from downstairs and loud shouts were heard.

"Looks like daddy's home" The director announced.  

He got out my dragon necklace and my eyes opened wide with shock.

"How did-"

He grabbed a needle and jabbed my finger. Blood oozed out of my finger but I was too high on the medication to even feel it he opened my necklace and removed my family picture from it.

"Excuse you!" I exclaimed he pressed my bloody finger on the necklace and it started to glow a bright green.

What the...

I felt power consume me I couldn't feel anything I was shaking and my eyes were closed shut overwhelmed by the sensation.

The director held my hand in place until I slumped back on my bed with force.

When I opened them everything was ten times clearer I could see the bright sun perfectly and it wasn't blinding me it didn't even hurt.

My sore body felt renewed my head wasn't aching my shattered rib cage was binding it self together, and I felt the air around me buzz with a strange sense of superiority coming from me.

I looked at where the director was only he had fled the scene letting a gust of wind slap me right across the face.


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