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        No matter how reluctant the five teens were to leave Jasper after being stabbed by a flying spear, they ran. No, they didn't just run, they sprinted. They did absolutely everything that they could to get away from the river. 

        Liv wanted to go back, she really did. She wanted to get to Jasper and make sure that he's okay, but she couldn't. She would be as good as dead if she went back. Clarke pauses in her stride for a moment, Liv glancing back at the blonde haired girl.

        "Clarke, come on!" Liv exclaims, grabbing her arm and tugging her forward. 

        Liv falls into place behind Finn, Octavia and Monty leading the group. They sprint through the forest, blurs of green moving past her as she follows them back to camp. For a while they were silent as they ran, stumbling to a halt when Monty trips, falling onto his stomach.

        "Monty," Octavia gasps out, Monty's eyes widening at the sight in front of him. Human bones were placed right in front of him. "Come on, Monty. We've got to go."

        Finn and Liv each grab one of his arms, tugging him up onto his feet once again. Once he's up, they all pause when they notice the bones lying there, Liv's eyes widening in confusion.

        "Who's are they?" Finn breathes out, Liv wondering how they even got here. Were these from the war or after? Were they from the people they just encountered, whoever they may be.

        Clarke bends down, lifting up a skull before showing it to the rest of them, asking, "What are they?" Liv examines the skull, noticing how the top of it is deformed, showing her that these people are anything but human.

        "We are so screwed," Liv mutters, realizing that they were just dropped off in a place where they're more than likely going to be hunted down one by one. Killed the same way Jasper was.

        In the distance there's a scream, everyone's heads whipping up. It was Jasper.

        "Jasper," Clarke breathes out. "He's alive."

        In an instant Clarke was running past them, rushing toward the sound of Jasper's scream. 

        "Clarke, wait!" Finn cries, the four of them quickly following behind her.

        Jumping over branches and twigs, the teenagers maneuver their way through the forest, Finn practically jumping on Clarke in order to get to her.

        "Stay out of the trees," he instructs, keeping her from going any farther. Glancing across the river, they glance to where Jasper was once was only to see that his body's now gone. "He was just there."

        "No. Where is he?" Monty questions, fearing for the life of his best friend.

        Liv glances to where Jasper was once, concluding only one thing.

        "They took him."

        ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢   

        When the five teens made it back to camp, Octavia had an arm slung around both Monty's and Liv's shoulders, the gash on her thigh making it hard for her to walk now. The sounds of teens were erupting, the word 'fight' being heard a multitude of times.

        Once they brushed themselves past the leaves and out of the woods, they were greeted by both Wells and Murphy hold knives, Wells' arm wrapped around Murphy's neck with a blade pressed against his adams apple.

        "Wells, let him go!" Clarke exclaims, the five making their way over. Three hobbling. 

        Wells lets go of Murphy, allowing him to fall to the ground. Once released from his hold, Murphy quickly lunges at Wells once again, this time Bellamy stepping in.

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now