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        He was late.

        He was fucking late.

        It had been over ten minutes since Marilyn's contractions began, and ten minutes since she requested for Jake to haul his ass in here with pain killers to help her deliver the twins. But, he wasn't here. She knew she couldn't wait any longer. With Lee out in search of Jake, Marilyn was left alone to endure this pain all on her own. This was all up to her, and she has to figure out how to survive this without giving up her children. She couldn't be the cause of one of them being imprisoned all of their life just to be floated.

        She wouldn't be able to handle that.

        A sharp, searing pain shoots through her, Marilyn unable to hold back her spine chilling scream. It seemed to echo around the section, tears flowing down Marilyn's face as she realized she must have brought attention to herself. She felt weak, though, Sweat coated her like water and she couldn't stand the pain any longer.

        She felt one of the kids fight to be released, but she couldn't do it yet. 

        "Shit," she hisses, realizing that this is a now or never situation.

        Of course, when a knock on the door sounds, she felt nausea take over her immediately. She kept her lips sealed, a small whimper being released. She didn't want anyone to come in unless it was Jake or Lee, but she was pretty sure it wasn't.

        All of a sudden, the door was being slammed open, her neighbor standing in the doorway. 

        "I heard a scream and I was worried something happened!" she cried out, taken in Marilyn's distressed state. Her eyes fall onto Marilyn's stomach, Marilyn shooting her a look that basically threatens to kill her if she says a word. "Marilyn - "

        "Don't. Say. Anything," she growls out, her hands resting against the walls firmly as she grits her teeth together.

        "Somebody help!" the woman's voice shouts, piercing the air.

        It was too late.

        She was going to be found out.

        Liv let out a frustrated sigh, throwing the gun to the ground in anger. She couldn't believe that Bellamy would even consider leaving them, consider leaving her. Now that Bellamy was now out of sight, she felt tears begin to flow down her cheeks with ease.

        She was furious at him, unable to imagine running this camp without him there. Yes, Clarke was already a leader along with them, but there was something about Bellamy that kept the others motivated. They wouldn't follow her lead, she knew that.

        And either way, she doesn't think she'll be able to handle any of this without him.

        Liv wasn't exactly sure as to why she felt so betrayed by him doing this, but she did. She needed him, for some inexplicable reason, she needed him. A choked sob escapes her lips, Liv hoping that he's unable to hear her from outside.

        Her back slammed against the wall of the depot, her eyes shutting tightly as she felt herself slide down onto the ground. Her nails scratched against the ground, searching for something or someone to hold onto, but no one was there.

        Bellamy had already left her.

        She was alone once again, just like always.

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now