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        Unexpectedly, Liv was woken up harshly the next night, Octavia shaking her until she awoke. The duo have become good friends since the day they went to Mount Weather, even if it was a bit rocky at first. They understood one another better than anyone else could and because of that they were practically inseparable at times.

        "Bellamy, get out here!" Octavia shouts, Liv watching as Bellamy exits his tent without a shirt on.

        She can't help but feel her eyes widen slightly, ogling at his bare chest which was practically glowing in the night sky. She diverts her attention quickly before glancing back up at the sky, watching as a space pod soars through the air. This is much more important than staring at his chest. And besides, it's not like she was even friends with the guy. At least, she didn't think. She doesn't really know, she would consider them having a mutual respect now after what happened with Charlotte, but nothing more than that.

        Octavia points up at the ship as the parachute deploys from it, exclaiming, "Up there!"

        Liv glances at it, questioning, "Are they coming to help us?"

        From beside her, Jones states smugly, "Now we can kick some grounder ass!"

        She lets out a laugh, as do some others as they watch it shoot across the dark sky. 

        Another girl then murmurs, "Please tell me they brought down some shampoo."

        "Some new clothes would be nice, too," Liv murmurs, Octavia nodding in agreement.

        Liv's clothes are completely coated in sweat, grime, dirt, and blood; in short she would do anything for a new outfit. Just one new pair of jeans, t-shirt, and jacket, and she'd be good.


         By this time, Bellamy was planning a call to action, Liv not sure what he's even going to suggest. She can see his and Jones' silhouettes inside the red tent, her and Octavia quickly rushing over. Bellamy did tell Liv that she was seen as a leader to these people so she was going to make her opinion heard - and that opinion is that they get to the pod before a single grounder has a chance to. 

        No one's aware of what's inside of it, Liv believing that it's going to be more along the lines of nutrition packs and medical supplies, rather than the weapons Bellamy was probably hoping for.

        Making their way into the tent, Liv hears someone say, "If it cleared the ridge, then it's probably near the lake."

        "We should get moving," Liv informs them. "Everyone's ready."

        With his arms across his chest, Bellamy states, "No one's going anywhere." Liv raises a brow at him, staring at him in confusion. "Now while it's dark. It isn't safe."

        She shakes her head at him, insisting, "We can't just let the grounders get to it first."

        "Princess, we're heading out at first light." Glancing at the boy surrounding him, he orders, "Pass the word."

        They boys shoot out of the tent, Liv and Octavia staying in place.

        Liv watches him in complete confusion, offering, "Then we'll just have a smaller group go. Put less people at risk." He looks down at the ground, refusing to meet her gaze. "Bellamy, we should be leaving now, okay? The grounders would have been able to see - "

        His eyes lock on her's, Bellamy snapping, "I said we wait until sunrise."

        She shakes her head at him in disbelief, muttering, "I thought you said that I was a leader here, too."

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now