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        It was chaos after Murphy stormed off in a fit of rage, Ash already by Liv's side and helping her back up onto her feet. Her back burned once again she knew that from the fall some of her blisters had surely ripped it open, but it didn't matter.

        She had to get to Bellamy and they had to get to Charlotte. Liv wouldn't be able to live with herself if something bad happened to Charlotte.

        Liv finds herself stumbling over her own feet, pain searing up her back as she manages to get to Bellamy's side, noticing a large gash on the back of his head. He was unconscious, the blow hard enough to knock him out.

        She honestly had no idea what to do or how to even help Bellamy. Clarke was the one who took care of everyone. Liv was the one who wasn't able to do anything on her own. She was weak and pathetic, and unfortunately Bellamy would be the one paying the price for that.

        Liv glances down at him, resting his head on her lap as she tries to apply pressure to his wound. She had ripped off a part of her shirt, holding it against his head.

        "Come on," she pleads, wishing that his eyelids would flutter open and she's be able to see his deep, brown eyes once again. "Bellamy, wake up. Octavia!"

        Octavia quickly rushes over to her brother's side, her facial expressions full of concern.

        "What do we do?" Octavia gasps out, unsure as to how to help her brother.

        Liv had only one thing running through her mind, and definitely wasn't a good answer.

        "I don't know."

        ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢

        In a matter of hours, night had fallen over them once again, Bellamy finally awake. Liv's hands are stuffed in her jacket pocket's, waking beside Bellamy through the forest. The two were silent, neither one of them uttering a word.

        They were searching for Charlotte, hoping that it wasn't too late yet. After Murphy did some damage to Bellamy, they were set back and Liv refused to leave without him. She needed him by her side no matter how many times she refused to admit it.

        Deep down, Liv was terrified. She had this overbearing fear that she was going to be too late and that Murphy has already found Charlotte.

        "Thanks," Bellamy mumbles from beside her, looking down at the ground before stepping over a twig. She glances at him, her eyebrows lacing together in confusion. "For what you did back there," he clarifies. "It was brave."

        Liv shakes her head softly, refusing to believe that she's in the slightest bit brave. "No, I'm not," she sighs out. "I just have a loud mouth."  

        He chuckles softly, stating, "Yeah, well your loud mouth could have been the thing that gave Charlotte enough time to get away from Murphy."

        "Well," she begins to joke, "it was about time I did some of the saving around here. I mean, considering so far you've already saved me once."

        "Twice, actually," he corrects, smirking at her, Liv rolling her eyes at him.

        "Yeah, and when was that second time, my knight in shining armour?" She scoffs.

        "Pulled you out of the fog," he remarks, Liv nodding.

        She grins at him, stating, "Well, thank you for that. I'm not exactly a huge fan of dying at seventeen."

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now