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        A small fire was lit in the center of camp, everyone besides Finn, Clarke, and Raven all outside of the drop ship, preparing for what's bound to come. Liv was checking everything on her gun, making sure everything was working and she wasn't going to be left stranded without a weapon in her time of need.

        Ash was holding onto one of their few grenades, seeming to be a bit out of place with it. He wasn't one who used weapons, he never had before. He simply fixed things, which is why Liv isn't surprised as she watches him hand the grenade off to another camper and make his way into the drop ship in order to help Raven out. He would be more of use trying to get the rockets to work rather than throwing grenades left and right.

        Liv stood at Bellamy's side, letting out a shaky breath as war drums begin to sound from all around them, filling her ear drums with its steady beat. There time to fight was now, and all they could do was hope their plan worked.

        "They're here," someone breathed out from behind them, Liv glancing toward Bellamy nervously. 

        It was one thing to prepare for this, but now that the battle is upon them, she wasn't going to lie and say she wasn't terrified. . . because she is. Very, very terrified.

        Looking toward her, he rests his hand on her shoulder, stating, "Let's go."

        She nodded, the two of them ducking into a tunnel and making their way to their post. They as well were meant to be in the foxholes, but they also had to make sure everyone else was at their posts, too. Once they slid into their position, Liv lifted up her gun and peered out into the sea of green through her scope.

        "Where's Octavia?" Bellamy asked Miller from beside her, Liv glancing over to notice that Octavia wasn't here like she was supposed to be.

        "She left five minutes ago," Miller explained. "Didn't say where to. She thinks she's a damn samurai."

        Liv lets out a soft sigh, questioning, "Do you see anything?"

        From behind her, Monroe answers, "No. What the hell are they waiting for?"

        "The longer they wait, the better," Bellamy explained, not everyone aware of the rocket plan yet. "This is about buying time for Raven and Ash."

        Over one of the walkie-talkie's, a voice exclaims, "I see them! They're moving! I count two, three. No, wait, there's more! I don't know, man, there's too many of them."

        Soon enough, gunfire was sounding, many of their shooters firing.

        "Who was that?" Bellamy demanded.

        "I think it was Sterling," Liv explained, keeping her eyes peeled for grounders.

        Grabbing his walkie-talkie, Bellamy states into it, "South foxhole. South foxhole, report now!"

        "Yeah, yeah," Sterling's voice sounded through the radio. "We're okay. They didn't attack. It's like - it's shooting at ghosts."

        Soon enough, a figure was gliding through the trees, Monroe's breath hitching audibly.

        "There," she exclaimed. "I see them!"

        Soon enough, Miller, Bellamy, and Monroe were all shooting at the shadow like figures moving through the trees, not landing a single bullet on them. Liv watches in confusion, noticing the way they're not even advancing, simply moving from tree to tree. It was like they were waiting for something, her eyes widening in realization.

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now