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        When Liv and the others finally made it back to camp, Octavia was limping, both Jasper and Liv helping her hobble back into the walls.

        "Clarke!" Liv screams, people beginning to crowd around them. "Somebody get Clarke!"

        She watches as Clarke makes her way through the crowd, her eyebrows laced together and an expression of worry on her face.

        Jogging up to Liv, she asks, "I'm here. What's going on?"

        Liv and Jasper glance back, watching as Bellamy carries in Finn, the dagger sticking out of his side and blood beginning to soak his shirt. Liv watches as Clarke's eyes widen at the sight of Finn, Bellamy beginning to struggle to hold him up. They've trekked on for miles now and Liv's not sure how much longer Finn is going to hold up.

        "Finn," Clarke gasps out, rushing over to him. "Finn? Oh, my god, oh, my god."

        She presses the tips of her fingers to his neck, searching frantically for a pulse on him.

        Liv glances toward Raven, watching as the girl backs up slowly, mumbling, "Oh my god."

        "He's alive," Clarke calls, Liv letting out a soft sigh of relief. He may be in critical condition, but at least he's alive.

        Jasper goes up to Clarke, explaining, "Liv wouldn't let me take the knife out of him."

        Clarke nods at Liv softly, telling Jasper, "No, that was a good call. Get him in the drop ship now. Go!"

        A group of boys take his sickly pale body out of Bellamy's arms, carrying him carefully toward the drop ship. Liv finds herself standing beside Clarke, watching as they all carry Finn away from them. The air around her was growing damp and cold, the wind steadily picking up around them. An overcast sky loomed over them, Liv feeling the temperature drop rapidly.

        "Clarke, can you save him?" Raven cries out, a pained and worried expression written across her face.

        "No," Clarke gasps out, looking as though she's on the verge of panicking. "N - not me. I need my mother. I need to talk to her."

        Raven runs her hands over her head, exclaiming, "There's still no radio!"

        "Raven, fix it! Go!" Clarke orders, Raven quickly running off even though she's on the verge of tears.

        Little did any of them know that there was a bad storm on the rise.

        ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ 

        A clap of thunder sounds, rain pouring down on the drop ship heavily. Liv couldn't even see anything past the wall of rain, it pouring down in buckets. Commotion was buzzing throughout the drop ship, everything so loud that Liv couldn't even hear herself think.

        First there was everyone preparing the drop ship for this storm, second, everyone is trying to collect their items, and all the while Raven has finally gotten the radio to work and is trying to get into contact with Abby Griffin, Clarke's mother.

        In the distance, Raven continues to speak into the microphone. "This is Raven Reyes, calling Ark Station. Come in, Ark Station. This is Raven Reyes calling Ark Station. Please come in. Can anyone hear me."

        Liv rests against the wall next to Raven, watching as Clarke makes her way over. Monroe had been over here as well, watching as Raven tries to make contact with the Ark.

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now