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-September 1st, 1991-

{Alex's POV}

They stepped into the Great Hall, Neville to their right and Draco to their left. They were in the middle of the group of first years. Harry, Alex's brother, was at the front of the group with his best friend, Ronald Weasley. He had already made a scene in the entrance hall, complaining extremely loudly to Ronald about how unfair it was that he hadn't been allowed to collect his heir ring, the goblins having said that he wasn't eligible to claim the heirship.

Alex had simply shaken their head at this. Of course Harry wasn't eligible to claim the heirship. Firstly, they had already claimed the heirship. Secondly, Harry wasn't even the first child, he was the second born son. Finally, even if he had been the first born, the family magic had chosen them to be the Potter heir. There really was no way that Harry would ever be able to collect the heirship ring to an heirship he had no claim to whatsoever.

As they walked down the middle of the hall, between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables, Alex quietly spoke to Draco and Neville.

"No matter our houses, we'll still be friends, right? Even if we can't talk often?"

"Of course. You are my first friends without my father's interference," Draco agreed.

"I would like that, I haven't had any friends before you guys," Neville replied. Alex was glad about that. Having friends across the houses would be extremely useful for their plans for the future. Plus, they really liked Neville and Draco, even after only knowing the for the duration of the train ride.

The line of first years stopped and Alex looked up to the front of the hall. At the front, in front of the head table, was Professor McGonagall, holding Alistair, the sorting hat. A three-legged stool was placed next to her.

"When I call your name, come forward to be sorted," Professor McGonagall said.

"Abbott, Hannah,"

"Hufflepuff," Alex tuned the sorting out until they reached the L's.

"Longbottom, Neville," Neville walked forward, his face showing his nerves. He sat down, Alistair falling over his head, covering his eyes. A minute or two later, the brim opened and called out Neville's house.

"Gryffindor." Neville walked towards the house of red, who were cheering and clapping for him. Alex applauded their friend. They knew he would be disappointed that he wasn't in Hufflepuff, but Alex thought that he would fit into Gryffindor well. He was braver than he thought. Soon, it was Draco's turn.

"Malfoy, Draco." Draco strode forward, his emotionless mask, that all purebloods had, firmly in place. He sat down and Alistair had barely touched his head when his house was shouted.

"Slytherin." Draco walked calmly over to the house of green, who were politely applauding, as was expected of them. The P's were finally reached. Everyone would be expecting Harry. Everyone except Neville and Draco. So, Alex wasn't surprised at the silence that occurred when their name was called.

"Potter, Alex." The confusion on Professor McGonagalls face was clear as she called out Alex's name. They walked forward amidst the silence and stares of the people in the hall. They sat on the stool and allowed Professor McGonagall to place Alistair on their head. As soon as their eyes were covered, the whispers started.

"Hello Alistair," Alex greeted in their head.

"Hello Alex. You have definitely had an eventful 4 years. Now, where to put you?" Alistair went silent after that, and Alex felt him shifting through their memories. After a while, Alistair spoke up again.

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