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#French# (because Alex goes to France, I can't speak French and don't trust google translate)

-July 15th, 1992-

{Alex's POV}

Alex made sure all their luggage was packed, checking to make sure they hadn't forgotten any of their notes, research, or potions equipment. Today they were heading to France to visit the Flamels, having written back and agreed to visit during the holidays. Their portkey, which had been included in a reply letter and was a necklace that they had handing around their neck, so they didn't lose it, was set to leave in about half an hour. They shrunk their trunks and placed them in their pockets, before making sure their wand was secured on their wrist holster. With one more glance around the room, they headed out, closing the door behind them.

Alex reached the living room and was embraced by Remus. They hugged back taking pleasure in having an adult that wanted them, even though they had lived with Remus for years, and had spent 10 years with Merlin and the Founders. Even with so many years of adults wanting them, they still craved the love and attention from adults; the effects of being forgotten during childhood would probably last their whole lifetime.

"I'll miss you cub," Remus said, stepping back from them with his hands resting on their shoulders.

"It's only two weeks," they reminded him.

"I know. I'll still miss you." They smiled.

"I'll miss you too."

"Have you got everything?"

"Yep, all packed."

"Akira?" Akira hissed in answer, her head rising up from where it was resting on Alex's shoulder.

"Like she would miss it. According to her, who else will make sure I remember to eat in between research and experiments? I know how to take care of myself, thank you very much."

$Easter holidays when you started researching time,$ Akira remarked, and Alex felt their cheeks flush a little.

$Shush you.$ Akira laughed before resting her head back on their shoulder. Alex cast a tempest and noticed that their portkey was due in 2 minutes. Remus also seemed to notice this and together they moved out of the house so that they were outside the wards surrounding the cabin.

"Be good. Have fun," Remus told Alex, reminding them of Helga and her fussing.

"I will Remus, don't worry." They gave Remus one last wave before the portkey they had around their neck activated and a jerk behind the navel had them spinning out of the country and towards France.

Alex landed with a thud in the courtyard of a large manor. The gardens around them were immaculate and they could tell that whoever was in charge of the garden cared for it deeply. They walked up the pathway, taking notice of the plants that had uses in potions or healing, as well as how they were easily absorbed in the garden so that to anyone who didn't know what they were would think that they were just another flower, bush or plant. They reached the front door and knocked which caused the double doors to swing open. They stepped into the manor and a house elf popped into view.

#How can Mimsy be helping you today?#

#I was invited here by the master of this house. Would you be able to take me to him or inform him of my presence?# they asked, easily slipping into French.

#Master Nicholas bes in his workroom and not to be disturbed.# They frowned slightly before their face cleared.

#What about the mistress of the house?#

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