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-June 20th, 1992-

{Remus' POV}

He spotted Alex stepping off the train, surrounded by friends and stepped forward slightly, waving. He ignored Sirius, who was still making confused sounds behind him. Alex spotted him and had begun to weave through the crowd to reach him, their friends following. As soon as Alex was close enough, he hugged them, making sure it wasn't tight enough to hurt Akira who he was sure would be wrapped around their torso.

"Hey cub, I've missed you," he said, releasing them.

"Hey Remus. It's good to see you again. Have I introduced you to my friends?" they asked. He shook his head. Alex had spoken of them, but he hadn't personally met them.

"This is Terry Boot, Mandy Brocklehurst, Michael Corner, Lisa Turpin, Anthony Goldstein, and Padma Patil, who are all my housemates. Then you have Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy who are both Slytherins and Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom, who are both Gryffindors." Alex pointed to each person as they spoke.

"Quite a mix of houses you have here. It's good to meet you all. I'm Remus Lupin, Alex's guardian," he replied.

"It's nice to finally meet Alex's guardian. They always speak highly of you, but have never mentioned your name or anything," Padma said.

"I have to get going, my parents will be waiting for me," Draco said.

"Ok then. Have a good summer Draco and remember to keep in touch," Alex replied. Draco nodded before waving and disappearing into the crowd. The rest of Alex's friends dispersed one by one until it was just Alex and him standing there.

"Alex, someone wants to meet you," he said.


"Sirius Black. He saw me waiting and we got talking. I hope you don't mind, but I mentioned that I was here waiting for my child and he wants to meet you now." He was a little worried that Alex didn't want to be referred to as his child, but they simply smiled.

"Ok. But I don't know if I will be civil or not. I still remember what he did, along with Lily and James."

"That's fine. He doesn't know that you are a Potter though," he explained. Alex nodded and together they moved back to Sirius.

"Shall we continue this conversation elsewhere?" he asked. Sirius nodded and he looked down to Alex, who smiled again.

"Where are we going?" Sirius asked. He didn't reply, instead holding out his arm. Sirius grabbed it, clearly understanding that they would be apparating.

"I'll meet you there," Alex said. They looked around and, after making sure that no one was watching, apparated away. He didn't give Sirius any time to question it though, turning on his heel and following Alex's lead, apparating back to their house. He headed inside and found Alex standing in the kitchen.

"I'm going to put my stuff away. I'll meet you in the living room." Alex turned around and headed up the stairs.

"Come on Sirius." He led the other man into the living room, sitting down in one of the armchairs. Sirius went to sit on the couch, but he stopped him, getting him to sit on the other armchair. He knew Alex would want the couch so that Akira could have some space. Sirius tried to break the silence a few times, but Remus ignored him. He didn't want to say anything until Alex got back.


{Alex's POV}

Alex pulled their trunks out of their pockets, placing them on the floor and unshrinking them. They opened the first trunk and waved their hand, directing their things to put themselves away. They left their second trunk, their potions trunk, unpacked. They changed out of their Hogwarts robes. Akira slithered off them, curling up on the bed while they put on a shirt and jeans.

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