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-December 20th, 1991-

{Alex's POV}

It was the last day of term before the Yule holidays were due to start and Alex was extremely excited. They were going back home to spend the holiday with Remus, but Draco had also invited them to attend the Malfoy Yule Ball. Neville had said he would go, and Alex had promised to ask if they could come. Over the course of the term, Alex, Neville and Draco had gotten extremely close. Terry and Padma had joined their group of friends, as well as Blaise from Slytherin and Hermione from Gryffindor. They had yet to have a Hufflepuff student join their group of friends, but it was already quite a large group as it was. Blaise and Draco hadn't been opposed to Hermione joining them, which had surprised Alex. Draco had changed his views towards muggle-born students over the course of the term and Blaise had too, when he had begun hanging out with them.

Their classes had all been going well. They had talked with all their teachers in the first week about being addressed as either Alex or Mx Potter, rather than Miss or Mr. All the teachers had complied happily. They were doing well in all the subjects, even History of Magic. That may have something to do with the fact that the founders had taught them everything though. Nonetheless, they were not only top of the class, but top of the year. They were going through all the required material quite easily and had the highest grades to come out of the classroom in a long time.

Alex had all their things packed and ready to go, so while the rest of the house rushed around making sure everything was packed, they were in their personal chambers finalising their latest experiment. It was something they would be sending to St Mongos as soon as possible, hopefully before the Yule holidays ended. It would be a big help for Neville if it worked, and Alex had no doubt that it would. The Elixir of Life that the Philosophers Stone provided had been the exact ingredient needed for the latest potion they had made.

Speaking of the stone, they were currently studying it, trying to work out exactly how it was made and if they could create their own. They still had some experiments they wanted to do with it, other potions that could benefit from the use of the Elixir of Life; however, the Flamels would probably want their stone back. So, they were trying to see if they could make another, just a small one so that they could continue their experiments without keeping the Flamels stone all to themselves.

Alex cast a quick tempest, groaning at the time displayed. It was time for dinner, and they weren't done yet. And they had already decided to send the stone back while they were on break. They placed the stone in its enchanted bag, tapping it with their wand to seal it. Now, only Nicholas or Perrenelle Flamel would be able to open the bag to retrieve the stone. 'Maybe I can attach a letter asking about it when I send the stone back,' they thought as they left the room, enchanted bag safely in their pocket.

The next day Alex sat on the train surrounded by their friends. They were all discussing what they were doing for Yule.

"I get to dress up and make polite talk like every year. At least I am able to invite friends this year. Please tell me you are able to make it guys," Draco said with a dramatic sigh.

"My gran will be happy to come; we normally go to one pureblood yule ball or another. The fact that a friend invited me will make her much happier to attend," Neville replied.

"We always go. You can count on me being there," Blaise confirmed.

"I would be happy to come; I just have to convince my guardian. He might not be very enthusiastic. And I'm not sure your parents would be entirely happy with him coming," Alex said. They still hadn't told their friends who their guardian was, not entirely ready for their friends to know they lived with a werewolf. Not many people would be happy to know that; plus, the fact that werewolves couldn't technically adopt or become fully legal guardians of anyone.

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