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Harmony had been up all night, although she loved the little thing, Ruby did wish sometimes that she would go to sleep as Harmony didn't seems to realise that she had a job that requires her getting a good nights sleep. Luckily Robyn was taking her today and tonight as it was her day off. She and  Glen were the perfect couple and Ruby knew that her tiny niece would be safe with her as she got dressed and drove to the house before her shift started in half an hour. She drove to Holby and changed into her beloved paramedic uniform then closed her eyes for a moment until the shift started. She awoke to Iain shaking her shoulders" Ruby wake up shifts starting" Iain said in his stern voice, while Jan laughed silently in the corner as Ruby gave her the death glare and hopped in the ambulance, also they started they rounds of the Holby Centre. Iain's radio crackled into life" 3006 to control, we have an elderly gentleman fallen in his home and his Carer is with him" as the dispatcher said and gave them the address. Ruby keyed it in and headed to the location.

When they arrived the 90 year old man was looking very unwell and was laying against the musty sofa, the Carer interrupted Ruby when she tried to ask the man what happened" he tripped over the carpet, didn't you uncle Simon" the female carer said. "Oh he's your uncle?" Ruby asked not liking the mans tone," Yeah, I'm the only family he has right Simon" she said in an sing song voice as the man nods weakly from behind the oxygen mask. The Lady who Ruby has learned from Lauren, began telling them how she had single handed lyrics saved her uncle and called the ambulance, Ruby pretended to be impressed but a lot of Simon"s injuries didn't matched up with Lauren's story. They loaded Simon into the ambulance and blue- lighted to Holby. When they arrived, Lauren insisted on staying with his uncle the entire way through the entire way through unloading and held his arm a little too tightly while Ruby explained to Jacob what was wrong with the man.

After the police has arrested Lauren for carer abused Iain said" Seriously though it can't have been easy Simon said his granddaughters been abusing him for the past 2 years." Ruby nodded and said" Coffee after the long shift we had" as Iain smiled and said" Yes Ruby" as Ruby looked at her Apple Watch and said" Christ I'm late for Harmony I better get going see you later Iain" as Ruby rushes to the ambulance station" got changed and got into the car to pick up Harmony from Robyn's house.

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