You make me nervous

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Getting to know Iain had Ruby's heart fluttering, even though he was still upset that his best friend Dixie died of a brain tumour as she remembered how she had felt when they got that shout.

" Adult male trauma, in Simons pharmacy on Reagents street please attend, I felt this horrible sinking feeling in my stomach, I couldn't explain it." I was sitting on the seafront as Ruby said" I think I understand I like him" Ruby says softly as she sat with Jan on the sea front." I have a crush on Iain Dean" she says aloud to herself as people look at her a bit strangely but she doesn't care she's just admitting something huge to herself and everything starts to make sense, the way she felt about Iain when Ruby started out in the paramedics as if her heart couldn't take being beside him. Now she understood that her heart wanted to be with Iain, more than anything it couldn't stand being beside him but not being with him.

Being the logical sort of person she was, she weighed up the pros and cons of her and Iain would a relationship even work between them, they were two busy people and with their jobs would they be able to make a relationship work, plus did Iain even like her? That was another thing that has made her fall for that hot black haired paramedic, he was direct and to the point but still kind and caring. She cut the crap but not the compassion it was what made him an amazing paramedic.

Ruby groaned putting her head in her hands" I hate being in love" as she groaned miserably to Harmony and walked home. Iain knew he loves Ruby but he didn't find the time to tell her about his feelings as he knew she was busy with her niece Harmony also Violette was in Rehab for drugs. 

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